Monday 19 March 2012

[fic040] Romanticism

A short update, because I want it to start a new day for each chapter. If I kept going on and on about the same day in 3 to 4 chapters in a row, it might be boring and long. So, I'll try to shorten the chapters while sending the right message about the story :) Thanks for reading so far! I really appreciate it!


Aisyah's POV

It's that happy feeling again. That sweet happiness I got when I first met Johan. We went to Juhairi's bakery, Clouds Above, that night, after we had dinner nearby the bakery. We walked in the bakery with our fingers intertwined. The bakery workers stopped their work for awhile and looked at us. They were closing the bakery and was prepping for the next day, so they weren't as
busy like in the mid-day. The whole bakery went silent when we walked in.

"I told you not to hold my hand." I whispered to Johan, while trying to get my hands off his'.
"But I want to." He pulled my hand back to his side and looked at me in the eyes.

A few moments later, we heard an applause. They were clapping for us. They were whistling and clapping. Yeah, you can see how we were apart these days. The fight was so big, it affected the bakery too, since the incident happened in the bakery. I even threw my couple ring at him. That was the worst part of it.

"Congrats you two! You're finally back together again!" A person shouted. That person walked towards us in his chef outfit and smelled like egg tarts, it was Juhairi oppa.
"Finally, I get to see your smiling face again, Aisyah :)" Juhairi oppa said, smiling at me. I found myself smiling too, while looking down, a bit shy to see his eyes.
"What about me?" Johan pointed at himself.
"Pfftt you. You smile like monkey, why should I like that?" Juhairi ruffled Johan's hair. The sounds of laughter was heard from behind. The workers laughed.

"So, you're here for sweets?" Ben, Juhairi's UK colleague spoke, while holding a towel, from behind the open-kitchen counter. We looked at him and nodded our heads while smiling.
"Sit there. I'll bring it in." He pointed at a table next to the huge slightly opaque window and winked at Johan. I looked at Johan and he smiled at me. I smirked at him. What is he planning here?

We sat at the table at the corner of the shop, beside the window, facing each other. Then, it started to rain heavily. "I love rainy days." I quietly said to myself, while placing my fingers at the cold window. "Me too." I heard Johan whispered silently. I looked at him. He smiled again. My flush red face looked down to avoid eye contact with him. Why does it feel like I just known him? 

"Here you go." Ben came to our table and placed a plate of a chocolate heart-shaped cake with raspberry sauce and whipped cream on top of it, in front of us. Ben walked away and pushed the other colleagues to the lounge room, leaving us alone in the dim lights of the bakery, giving off a romantic feeling. I looked at the plate of dessert. While looking at the tacky idea of the cake shape, I laughed.

"What? It's sweet, what?" Johan said, sounded like he was to show off something.
"But it's shaped as a heart! Please don't tell me it's your idea." I giggled slightly fading off the laugh.
"Well, FYI, I made this okay. Don't eat it if you don't appreciate it." Johan took the plate away from me.
"Ah ok ok.. I do appreciate it." I smiled almost chuckling at the thought he made it.

"Stop it already Aisyah Zahira!" He shouted while smiling.
"Sorry. Sorry! It''s just....HAHA" I continued laughing, putting my hand to my mouth.
"Fine, laugh all you want." He crossed his arms.
"Haaaa.. ok." I wiped off a tear formed in my left eye. I sighed and looked at him.
"Done?" He asked me. After a few silent moments, I chuckled again.

"Aww come on!" He laughed. "It's not that bad!" He pointed out, laughing with me. Without noticing, I accidentally saw the bakery workers peeking through the lounge room door. I smiled and stopped laughing.
"Ok ok.. Can we eat now?" I asked Johan.
"Yeah, yeah let's eat our tacky cake." He sarcastically said. Haha he knows it's tacky.
"Are you angry?" I asked him cutely, tilting my head a bit to the right.
"Naahhh.. why should I?" He smiled while getting a fork. 
"Here, aahhh.." He took a cut of the cake with the fork and held it in front of my mouth. I opened my mouth and ate the piece of cake on the fork.
"Is it okay?" He asked. I had my hands down, and my eyes looked up. When I finished it, I blinked at him and stopped.
"Is it that bad?" He asked again, anxiously.
"It's delicious, Johan. Like seriously." I took the fork from him and took another piece into my mouth.
"Yuumm... :D" I said and smiled like an idiot in front of him.

And we continued talking and eating until he said he needed to go to the toilet. Well, he did drank a lot of water earlier today. So, I was left alone at the table with the half-eaten cake. I kept eating the cake bit by bit until he came back.

"Aisyah." He called me from the left. I looked at him, who was still walking towards me.
"Haha, you're always so clumsy at eating anything creamy." He wiped off the whipped cream from my lips with his fingers.
"You DO know that I could've just kissed you with that cream on your lips." He said coolly, while his fingers still lingered under my chin.
"Then why didn't you?" I averted his hand away and got another piece of cake into my mouth. I kept my gaze on him as he was about to sit on the chair in front of me, pulling the chair away from the table a bit. Then he leaned forward, close to my face and breathed.
"I want to make you crave for it." He whispered silently.
"Pffftttt..... crave for it?" I rolled my eyes at the idea of me craving for his kisses.
"Who knows, you might do." He said, sitting with his legs crossed and arms on the chair like a boss.

"So, we just had dinner and now dessert. What are your other plans for today?" I asked him. He got up and walked next to me.
"I thought I'd do this." He took out a string of necklace out of his pocket and threw it over my head, locking the ends together behind my neck. He went back to his chair as he finished putting the necklace on me. I felt the cold metal around my neck. I looked at the thing hanging in the centre of the necklace. It was my couple ring. I looked at Johan, slightly shocked.

"Well, since you couldn't wear it as often, I thought maybe I could make you wear it often like this. You can even take a bath with it!" He said excitedly. I had my head down, looking at the ring. Then I looked back at him. I saw a shiny thing around his neck too.
"Is that--" I pointed at his neck.
"Yeah, my couple neck-ring-lace." He smiled at his necklace and then looked at me. Unknowingly, I smiled to him back.
"I didn't know you're this......what do you call it?" I said, trying to find the right term for his actions.
"Creative? Thoughtful? Innovative?" He shot out words.
".....Romantic." I said while looking at his eyes, then averted my eye-contact and blushed.

next chapter -----> :D

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