Friday 16 March 2012

[fic039] After A Month

I'm back? I felt sorry for this story and I know, I should've just continued it since I liked writing about Johan anyway. So.. Yeah, hope u guys like what you'll going to read.


Aisyah's POV

It's been a month since all of us had that shopping trip. The Korean guy was actually Juhairi's friend. He was nice. I mean, he hung out with us ever since that very day he helped Adlin get up and fixed her fractured ankle. He even paid for the medication expenses. He was THAT nice. Really.

Johan had been on guard all the time since he's pretty close to us, and he's been REALLY over-protective. I mean seriously. When we were in class, whenever I stood up from my chair, he'd look up and watch me all the time, until I come back. I'm not sure what's his problem, since
I asked, but he won't answer me.

The Korean guy I was talking about named as, Jung Byunghee, an ex-student of a culinary school, the same school Juhairi went to. Now, he's working in Malaysia, under a 4-star hotel, Pan Pacific, near to KLIA. The 26 year old 'oppa' is now currently living around the area, in our residents to be precise.

He's been especially nice to me since...well.. I don't know. He just does. He'd sometimes pick me up at school when Johan was having his extra classes with the teachers at school. He'd bring me to lunch and such, he even taught me some Korean words, especially cussing words. He said it was necessary that I learn the cuss words first before anything, since it can be pretty hard living as a girl in Seoul.

The other girls were pretty upset with me since I got all the guys. I said to them, as in the girls and even Byunghee oppa, I didn't mean to go together as a couple, since I already have Johan with me. What more could I have asked?

Even though I said that to Johan already, he still didn't believe me since he believed that people's hearts can change overtime. So, he was worried I'll run away with Byunghee. There goes Jealous Juara again. 

But then again, he might be right. Now that I realized it, Johan and I had been a bit apart these days. He's busy catching up with the Malaysian syllabus for SPM and I was.... I don't know... hanging around with Byunghee oppa. Plus we quarrelled recently. It was a small matter at first but then, it became so big, I had to walk away from it, crying.

I don't want to think about the fight again, since it was horrible. I felt guilty and egoistic at the same time at that moment. I felt sorry to Johan who had been seeking for my attention all these time. I admit I didn't give him much attention lately, ever since so many people kept coming into my life. Last time was Jonghyun, then it was Hairi and recently was Byunghee oppa. Even the Jonghyun problem still wasn't resolved. Well, thank God it died just like that. So much for cheap publicity.

It's Saturday morning and I woke up very early because I slept way too early last night. I slept after crying because I was frustrated with myself, not being perfect for someone so perfect as Johan. Johan kept trying to call me but I didn't pick up. All sorts of things were going in my head at that moment. 

I was afraid I couldn't be a good wife for Johan since his parents and mine told us about the deal they made regarding my education sponsorship the night before. I was 'sold-off' for good education. They haven't set the date for the wedding but they want it as soon as possible, to avoid any mishaps. It's not that I don't like it.... it's just complicated right now. Now I know what Facebook meant about "It's complicated" status.

I walked down the stairs with my hoodie on, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water. I took the filled glass to my lips and sipped it while looking out the window. The sun's not even out yet. I turned off the kitchen lights and walked back into my room. 

Arrived in the room, I lazily sat on the corner of my bed, and looked at my sleeping sister by the side. I looked to the left and saw his room light lit up. Johan's must be up by now. I walked to the window nearest to the left and held my glass of water close to chest, hoping he'd stop by the window and somehow look at me.

But he didn't.

I went to my study desk and left my half-empty glass on it and went back to sleep. The last thing I know, when I woke up, again, I was home alone. My sister left a small note next to me - written, "We're out for the day. Abah brought us to KLCC. Umi said you cried last night, so she told us to not wake you up. Bye. Love, Anis."

Great they left me, even sadder. URGH. I looked at the clock. 8:30. I dragged my feet to the bathroom and had shower. I finished and wore back my hoodie, still warm with my body heat. I walked down and heard the kitchen door being knocked. I opened up and saw Johan in front of me. I looked at him, and he looked at me.

".........Morning." He said, awkwardly, rather unrhythmic.
"Mornin'." I said emotionless. I honestly didn't feel like anything. I didn't feel anger, I didn't feel happy nor sad. Nothing. Just plain empty.
"Want some breakfast?" He held a plate of aluminium wrapped pancakes in front of me. I nodded and let him inside.

Like a puppet, I sat on the counter chair and looked at him, walking around my kitchen, taking plates and stuffs, like nothing happened between us the past week. He brought over two smaller plates, forks and even a bottle of honey for the pancakes. Casually, he gave my set of tableware and even picked the pancakes for me. Before he gave back my plate, he did something to it.

After a few moments, he gave back my plate and I looked at it. He poked the pancake - written, "I'm sorry." with his fork and drowned the pancake with honey so the writing came out better. I looked at the plate and tears began to well up. Trying to hold my tears, I looked at him and he stood up, walking towards me.

By my side, he hugged me and kissed my forehead. I cried already.

He wiped away the tears and cupped my cold face with his warm hands.

"I'm sorry I gave too much pressure on you." He whispered soothingly.
"...isk...isk..." I sobbed. I couldn't handle it any longer. I jumped to him, threw my arms around his neck and cried on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Johan. I'm so sorry." I cried.
"Sshhh... It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. It's not your fault." He swept my hair, while swinging me around like he was to cradle me to sleep.

A few hours later,  I found myself in his arms, watching TV together, like newly-wed spouses. A cool way to start the morning with.

Next chapter-----> :DD

A/N: God, I missed writing that. Happy Reading thing. Did u like the 'small-bridge' to get over with the block I had a few months ago? Yeah it came out flowing tonight, so why not write it before I lose passion right? Oh yeah, don't expect me to write any later or maybe, just maybe, sooner - because I write this on my own free time and my own brainstorming/overflowing ideas. So, be nice and patiently wait if u are to follow this series back on track. Thanks for reading...........again :D

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