Like seriously. I want some attention too. I already lack of it at home since my younger siblings gets all the credit for being so.... I don't know, annoying. They don't even do anything that I think they deserved to be in my parents likings. Education? I don't think so. Chores? HAHA Pure bullshit if they said they did it all.
Ok enough of the family thing. Someone's gonna start and nag me about it, again. oh STFU. Like you don't have grudges to your own family. I have my own life, so give me my space of life. You currently don't hold any of it anyway. Don't say a thing when it doesn't have anything related to you. It's my moment of life. Don't ruin it because you think it's wrong and you're always right. I'm in my right mind and I think a lot before I say anything. But like any other humans, I want to be free for some while and say whatever I want.
Crushes. I hate it when I have them. Like somehow, I become obsessive and scary. No wonder others hate me when I talk about them. I can see how I am at this moment. I'm not gonna apologize to you because I don't think I have to. It's how I am, and it's you that supposed to adapt. Not me to change.
I admit it. I am selfish. I am greedy. I am a liar. I am a snob. I am full of flaws. I am a cry baby. I am needy. I am a snivel. I am aware of my character. So, there's no need for you to point it out anymore.

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