[fic038] Oh, What a Day
HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY TO ELYZA! I sincerely wanted to hand over your present to you personally, but what can I do? I don't have Johan with me to deliver it all the way to Melbourne! :P Hope you like what you get :D *hint hint* It's something from this fiction too! (check chapter 26)
Aisyah's POV
It's Saturday and my friends decided to go to Mid Valley just for fun. It's been awhile since us, boys and girls, went on a trip together. Since there are so many of us, I suggested to go by train. Yes, the old KTM in Nilai. There's direct path to Mid Valley Megamall and the ticket is cheap.
So, as always we went out early in the morning. I think I'm immuned already to this waking-up-early thing. I've been working in morning shifts at the bakery and I'm pretty proud of myself - because I can wake up early now! Anyway, Johan had to pick up Hajar and Adlin since their parents can't send them to the train station.
When we arrived at the train station, we saw the others there waiting and chatting to fill up time. The boys, Qamar, Syamil, Afiq, Taufik, Gajen, Hazmi, and Izzat and the girls, Dilla, Janah, Elyza, Nicky, and Nabiha. It was probably the biggest amount of people I've been with, besides the school entourages. The others already bought their tickets, so, I queued up to buy Hajar's, Adlin's, Johan's and my tickets. I paid and gave the tickets to them and head to the terminal. The others followed behind.
Around one hour later, we arrived at Mid Valley and decided to go to the movie theatres first. A new action movie was out two days ago and the boys wanted to watch it. So, they picked the movie, queued and got the tickets for it. As for the girls, they chose a different movie. A cartoon animation.
Those who didn't want to watch any movies decided to wander around the nearby shops. Those, as in, me, Adlin, Dilla, Janah, Afiq and the hesitative Johan. I said hesitative because Johan did want to watch the action movie. But since he didn't knew Afiq, he was a bit cautious. He didn't say that to me, but I saw it in his eyes. Also, I heard him murmured to himself saying, "I can download it...... if there is high quality versions." and then he sighed. xD
So, we broke into groups and my group went to this MPH book exhibition centre near the movie theatres. Janah bought an English novel while Adlin and I bought these interior designing magazines in bulks. The actual price for six magazines is RM10. SERIOUSLY. But then we got offered with RM10 for 8 of them including one fashion magazine.
I bought another imported kitchen magazine for RM7. So, Adlin and I had to support our bag of magazines by hand because the plastic might torn open if we carry it normally. Since it's too heavy, we had to draw out another RM16 for a cheap but sturdy bag. It's still pretty heavy afterwards. T^T
Johan and I took turns to bring the heavy magazine bag all over the mall. The girls went all over the mall in search for huge sales, but sadly, even if there is a 70% sale, the after price is still expensive, so they didn't buy any of them. Adlin went to Apple stores to buy a casing for her Macbook. She didn't find any that she liked, so she's a bit disappointed. Janah and Dilla however went in and out of gift stores to find gifts for a friend.
By lunch hour, my feet hurts and my stomach grumbled for food. Dilla suggested we go for lunch at The Gardens' food court. When we arrived, we saw the other boys and girls eating their lunch in groups of tables, next to each other. We waved at them and put our things down on a different table. Janah sat at the table for save keeping and we went and queued to buy food. I went and queued at the Korean stall and ordered a Chicken Dolsot Bibimbap, which is cubes of chicken mixed with rice and veges and also a Beef Bibimbap for Janah.

Adlin and Dilla ordered Korean food too. Dilla ordered Bulgogi, which is barbecued beef and Adlin ordered Kimchi Ramyun, which is like Maggi but with Kimchi. Adlin. She paid a whopping RM10 for a bowl of 'Maggi' with bits of Kimchi in it. We 'pitied' her for buying it. (Sorry Adlin, I just had to include these xD) Johan however got sick of Korean food lately, so he ordered a Sizzling Black Pepper Yee Mee. To wash it all down, Johan and I ordered a glass full of Sprite while the girls ordered fruit drinks.
Our stomachs were filled, and then we went walking around the mall again. This time ALL of us went around TOGETHER. Imagine a HUGE crowd walking and chatting loudly across the hall way. WOW. Anyway, Qamar was my old friend, so, we had a lot to catch up with each other. So, I walked next to Qamar and chatted with him. Johan, who was bringing my heavy bag, glared at him. I think Qamar noticed because he's the one who asked who Johan was and why was he glaring at him. Jealous Johan was here again! xD
While I was shopping for my mom's and sister's hair bands, there was this tall-muscular-Korean-looking guy in the same shop. I didn't see him in the store until the three girls told me about him. Dilla and Janah excitedly told me about him. He was wearing a grey t-shirt, a cap, a pair of tracksuits and sneakers. They said he probably came out of the gym at the top floor. Adlin said she watched at him since he entered the shop until he walked out of it. xD Johan heard about the guy and he said he saw him too.
"Honestly, he seemed familiar." Johan added."Is he your friend? Introduce me to him!" Janah, Dilla and Adlin squealed."We'll see. If we see him again, we'll run to him, okay?" Johan chuckled."YES! RUN TO HIM!" Janah said with her fists next to her face. All of us laughed at her.
Then the girls and boys went to the surau for prayers. I walked around alone this time. My feet was hurting so much, I had to buy a new pair of shoes, so I went to Bata and picked a pair of Comfit shoes. I told the shop assistant to get me a size 7. But when he came back, there was only size 8 left. I tried it on.
While slipping my feet into it, the pretty handsome assistant crouched down near me and asked, "Is it ok?" I swear to God, my heart almost swooned over him. Honestly, I'm glad Johan wasn't nearby at the time. If Johan was nearby, he probably would sulk at me because I smiled and interacted with the shop assistant xD
I asked the shop assistant if I could wear it right away because my feet was hurting so much. Wanna know what he said? "Sure. I saw your feet was getting callouses. Hehe I hope you won't mind me saying that." Then he smiled. NGEEEEE I soo like this shop :DD
When Johan and Afiq came by Bata after they finished praying, I was already paying for my shoes. The assistant was behind me watching me pay. I turned around and thanked him. Johan saw that and asked me what I bought. Pheww.. He didn't notice. Afiq was looking at some sport shoes. I watched him look at the shoes. He took two of them and asked for a size 7 each to the previous shop assistant. The assistant saw me, I smiled. He smiled back. Johan saw that one. My God. =.=
So, Johan later found out Afiq was on the soft side and he slightly regretted passing the movie he wanted to watch. I saw his face when Afiq start to slap the air like a girl while we were eating Baskin Robbins together with the girls. xDD After finished eating, we went across a HUGE round-about. We were walking by the railing when suddenly Dilla pulled me to the rail hard.
"Tu Raja! TUUUH!!!" She pointed a person at the floor below ours."Who?! Where?!" Janah suddenly came to us when she heard Dilla mid-shouting."OOH! THE GUY! LET'S GOOO!" Janah pulled us to the nearest escalator and ran down the escalator. Even Johan had to run with us. Sorry Johan. These girls are too crazy when they meet up with a handsome guy. *sigh* I'm glad I have you already :)
When we were exactly behind him, around the corner, we 'braked', trying to stop. Unfortunately, Adlin ran too far and too hard that she hit his back and fell backwards. Of course he felt it and he turned to see what hit him. Adlin was on the floor rubbing her head. He saw her sitting on the ground, so he crouched down and looked at her in the eyes.
Adlin's POV
Dilla shouted while were running towards the guy. I saw other people eyeing us. Why were we running? I didn't think that long. I just wanted to see him. My heart was thumping. I wished Johan was really his friend and he can introduce us to him. I SERIOUSLY wished he liked me more than the others.
I ran without looking in front of me and thought, "Come on. Raja already has her Johan. Dilla is probably still in contact with Taemin. Janah, she's my rival? Wait..... Hairi...... I have Hairi."
I tried to stop running, but my shoes... they're slippery. T^T I bumped into something and fell backwards. I was sitting on the ground, where I was rubbing my head. What did I bump into? HIM. It's him. It's freaking HIM! OH MY GOD. I freaking bumped into him! What do I do now?
"You okay?" He crouched down and looked at me in the eyes." ....." I didn't say anything. He was just too charming. Those eyes were glimmering in front of mine."Hello? Umm... person? Are you okay?" He titled his head and pushed his cap away. His English wasn't that bad. I blinked."Uh? Oh. I'm okay." I tried to get up. "OUCH!" My ankle. My ankle! I think it's twisted. Ouuuccchhh T^T
Next chapter----> :DDA/N: Hehehehe... cliff hanger :) Anyway, most of the trip was based on my recent trip to Mid Valley with my group in this (except Johan, replaced by my brother). I know the ones who actually went shopping with me knew the actual story but oh well. haha oh yeah, PLEASE 'like' this and PLEASE PLEASE comment below. I need to know what u guys think :D thanks! ( actual time finished = 1234 hours SERIOUSLY)
Muahahaha! Really funny wei~ Aku baca sampai giggle sorang diri dalam bilik xD *derp face*
haha bangganye ade org suke :D *derpface*
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