OMAIGADSUN! :O I left this for soooo long, I kinda forgot what I should
continue. Soooo sorry to readers,
especially to whom had been intently following this boring stage of my fiction writing. Thanks to those who
did intently had been following this boring stage of my fiction writing. Anyway, after around three-four(?) weeks, I wonder if I could get back on track. SPM 'training' is in around two months. So, I need to wrap this up fast. T^T
Oh yeah. I guess I'll be leaving this one unattended because I'm out in my dad's home town this weekend. So, read till you get bored of it okay? Thanks :)
Johan's POV
It's pot-luck night. The residents around of my house brought so many food for the pot-luck. My parents brought marinated meats they got from my older cousin's restaurant in KL. They said the meats are marinated the Korean way. A special concoction of spices and fruits? I dunno. If I ask Aisyah, she would probably know. Too bad she's not coming down. She wasn't feeling well. We met Maya earlier. She probably wanted to rest after the tiresome meeting.
Even though Aisyah wasn't there, her parents and siblings were. They brought Karipap, Aisyah's mom's favourite and Bingka Labu, which is my family's favourite. They came with two huge plates of each. Aisyah's mom baked the Bingka Labu, she said to me when I tasted a slice of it.
Everyone who came were enjoying the night. Someone even brought the karaoke machine with them, so that they can sing together. While everyone was busy taking turns to sing, I sat down to a corner with Aisyah's parents. They asked me about school and my relation with Aisyah. I guess I need to lay everything out to them. I told them I took care of her while she was in South Korea before, and she was safe in my care. They trust me for being with her daughter, so I guess I'm approved then? HAHA xD
While chatting with them, I thought, "Why not? I'll try and ask them if they know anything about why Aisyah can't remember her childhood."
"Acik, recently we met one of Aisyah's old friends. Her primary school friends. When she was asked about them, she can't remember them properly like anyone else does. Why is that?" I asked."There's something you might want to know about Aisyah." She paused. I blinked. What is it? :/"She once survived a terrible TERRIBLE accident." Aisyah's mom explained.
"An accident? When?" I pulled my chair closer to them and asked again."When she was 8. The accident involved a car and a bicycle - which she was on." Aisyah's father paused."Blood was everywhere. Thankfully the neighbours attended her while we arrived 5 minutes after the accident happened. She went wandering around by herself in the evening at the time. She was lucky that the accident was near to our house and both of us were at home." He continued.
"By the time we arrived at the hospital and she was checked in to the ER, the doctors said she was 'brain dead' and didn't many chances to live on. The patients who was diagnosed with the same injury had different symptoms and recovery. She was one of the patients who had extraordinary miracles of recovering." I listened intently to what they said.
"Alhamdulillah, she did recovered from the accident and didn't have any serious mental complications - even though she suffers from acute memory loss. The doctors were surprised she woke up after a two-week coma. The accident was so traumatic, the doctors assumed she would have been in a coma for a longer period of time or even worse, died. I guess it's because she was still young and our family's non-stop prays, healing didn't take much time to finish. Allah was doing us a favour.
"Even so, the doctors said she would be having headaches and other minor common symptoms after the recovery - and they were right. Ever since the accident, she had minor headaches from time to time. That's why she can have headaches, even when a place is naturally quiet." Aisyah's mom explained with a tear in her eyes. They must have been extremely worried at that time.
"You must have been very worried. I'm glad she's fine now." I smiled, they followed."Therefore, we must ask you to accompany her in every way. Accidents can happen at any given time and we don't want anything similar happens to her again. So, please, take care of her well, okay? We place our trust on you." Her dad placed his hand over mine. I nodded to agreement.
After a couple of hours, they finished and wrapped up the small party. All of us went back to our homes and went to bed. I washed up and lied on my bed - thinking what could have happen if Aisyah can recover those lost memories of her by help. My way of help.
Aisyah's POV
It's 7 in the morning and God, my headache is still there. So, I woke up and showered, thinking it might go away after shampooing my hair. After the shower, it did helped a bit with the headache. At least I don't feel any pin-striking pain at the back of head any longer.
Around 8:15, I went down to the kitchen and had my breakfast. My parents were at the table as usual with their morning Karipap, cup of Nescafe and newspaper. My siblings were still in their dreamland, since it's school holidays.
"How was last night? I couldn't sleep because of the karaoke." I sighed."It was okay. We had a moving chat with Johan, you know." Umi said while making my cup of Milo."A moving chat? What? Did you guys have a night stroll or something? xD (A/N: 'moving' chat xD)" I teased. Ow my head. Ow. :/"NO. Never mind. It's a secret anyway." Abah said while scrutinizing the sports section of his newspaper."Pffttt.. secret. hah. Like I want to know." I roll my eyes off him.
"Anyway, what did you guys brought last night?" I asked, since I didn't know what did they eat at the pot-luck."Karipaaaappp.. Bingka labu." Umi brought over my Milo to the table."As always - and we're eating Karipap again today? My God. Karipap maniac in the house (referring to my mom - for REAL O_O)." I took a sip of my warm Milo."You should have known that ever since you first ate it!" Umi joked."Yeah yeah. So, what are you two going to do today?" I asked them both."OH we have to go shopping for kitchen items. Zemart, abang?" Umi said to Abah. And they continued talking. I just watch them talk. My headache is slowly vanishing, thanks to Umi's hot Milo :D
I wonder what's Johan doing right now. Is he up already? Hmm...
Johan's POV
"Maaaaaaaah...... Next weekend we're going back to Seoul."
I told my mom about the Jonghyun-Aisyah scandal thing. I don't know what Jonghyun is going to do with this situation. There have been A LOT of thing happened since the day we made the deal. Bonding time with my dance crew, Adlin and Hairi liking each other, Elyza and Onew's secret texts, about Maya and her childhood past, Aisyah and her accident. WHOA. I'm sure Aisyah forgot about it already.
I also heard SHINee just made their début in Japan. They must've been busy. I wonder if Jonghyun even remembered the deal. There's not much about the scandal nowadays anyway. Why would he want to drag this? Weeirdd..
So, anyway, recently Aisyah and I got an envelope each about our college admission in Seoul. The one which mom said she made a deal with Aisyah's parents(chapter 15). The envelope was for our confirmation reply. They said the college is ready to receive us and support us with their facilities. Mom said to go to the college and check its facilities. Since we need to attend Jonghyun's deal, so why not check the college now? Aisyah might want to transfer right away. Mom even said passing SPM doesn't matter. The certificate for the college is higher than SPM anyways.
About the deal they made on the college sponsor for Aisyah, I overheard my parents while walking pass their room last night.*flashback*
"The letter from Anyang University came yesterday." Mom said."What did it say?" Dad said."Confirmation about transferring. I'm really glad we made the deal with Aisyah's parents." A deal?"I'm glad they agreed to marry off their daughter with our son too. I'm sure they will go along well." The sound my dad getting up from the bed. They agreed to marry off Aisyah to me? Wow. This is something. O_O"They will? They ARE going along well. Have you forgotten honey? They're dating each other already. This just makes me more excited to marry them off." My mom giggled at the thought."Aah right. When do you plan to let both of them(Aisyah and me) know about this deal we made?""I don't know yet. Maybe a bit after both of them graduate? Or during their study in the college. I'm sure they'll find out sooner or later. Both of them ARE smart." My mom giggled again.
*end of flashback*
Actually, I'm pleasantly happy when I heard about the deal. This just makes Jonghyun WAY off territory. Aisyah is MY territory. HAHA.
I'm thinking I should keep this from Aisyah and wait until her parents and mine tell her about it. I don't want to be the mood breaker. Hehe. Aisyah and I, married. Thanks mom. Thanks dad. Thanks future mom and dad :D
next chapter---> :DA/N: Happy with the late update? then PLEASE 'like' this and comment below! (actual time finished = 0125 hours)
Raja, kahwin nanti ajak aku tau. Masak makanan sedap-sedap *tepuk perut* ;D
HAHA okeh :D
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