Tuesday 20 December 2011

No More Johan T^T You're at fault

Hooooiii.... hehe my chapters are really coming late aren't it? I've been busy with another fiction lately.. also with drama watching. Easier way to put it, I was busy with other stuff than this fiction. I kinda lost interest to write about.......you know ....the fake me - daydreaming for Johan to come by ....someday.

Anyway, I'm sorry if any of you reading this are disappointed in me. I'm just sorry I lost the idea to write this. Overall, I can't really fully blame myself for stopping(to write). A part to blame is you guys yourself. You guys don't comment and give me inspiration and ideas T^T

You....you...... unproductive silent readers are such ghosts. T^T I seriously wanted to continue writing, but since NO ONE is reading, I'd better stop wasting my time on something so petty.

So, it's OFFICIAL. I'M STOPPING THE BOY I KNEW CHAPTERS. Let it be hanging till the end of time.

*whoah. so dramatic.

Jaejoong is becoming really hot in my eyes right now :) So, I wrote a fiction with Jaejoong in it at some fiction sharing website. and NO, I'm NOT gonna share it with you guys, because.....
...........I just don't want to share it with you guys.

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