[fic015] Who's Concert? O.o
Yay! I got time with me today! well, actually I wrote this up yesterday, but since my bro conquered the laptop for the WHOLE day yesterday, I only get to use it a bit later today.. =o= damn that lazy boy.. ANYWAYS!HAPPY READING!! ;DD
"college admission? I didn't apply for any college admission..when did this happened?"I said while looking at her.. she slowly sat next to me.."well, I've been talking to ur parents,and they agreed that u can study abroadif I pay for ur study expenses..well, actually I offered to pay, so, I made a deal with them.."she said while looking at me attentively.."u w-what? pay for my study expenses?u mean the hundred thousands of studying expenses?!"I said in a shocked tone.."yeah... my husband and I agreed to pay separately..he pays for Johan, and I'll pay for u.." she said calmly and smiling.."wha-..how..why...?" I said lost of words.."well, I've always wanted a daughter, u know, for me to spend my money on... ;Dand whenever I'm with u, u'll always make me feel like u're my own child.. so, I made a deal with ur parents,and they agreed with that..""and what kind of deal is that? other than agreeing to pay for my studying expenses..""that, I'll tell u at home later.. okay sweetheart?""okay.." I said lowering my head.."what's with the face? I thought u'd be happy with this.."she asked worriedly.."I am.. but it's overwhelming.. I mean, u guys are treating me like....*thinking up a word* like.... a princess..." I said while slumping my shoulders."that's because u are a princess to our eyes.. now, don't refuse my gift for ur belated birthday which I couldn't held a party for u before.. okay?""ur study sponsoring is my gift? COOL! :D""of course.. and there will be more later.. u'll find out someday.. :)" she said smiling..
Jay & Dilla was like... "uwaahhhh ultra-special-treatment weyhh...".. yeah it was VERY VERY special.. (not sarcastic==) so, after I opened up the letter, I found out that she admitted my name and personal data to a top university(college) in Seoul.. She even told us that she'll be staying in Seoul for a period of time on our first day there... awww so sweeeeeett... :)) the surprising thing was, HOW in the world did I get to be admitted there with my poor results? I mean the mid terms just ended.. there's NO freaking way that the result came to there first.. so then I asked,
"Auntie Zima, how did my results got accepted there?I mean the university is pretty well known..and only top students get accepted there..""well, I took the results of ur quizzes that u did with Johan..""quizzes? u mean the ones that Johan made me do..the ones that had papers like in the real SPM?!I scored in those?!" I was shocked.. and continued.."but Johan said I failed in those...*silent*so that's why he kept it away from my reach!YOU! *points at Johan* LIAR PANTS!!""hey don't be mad at me..*putting his hands up - guilty(arrested gesture)* If I didn't do that, u'll be all cocky and ur scores will be go down..like it ALWAYS does..." Johan explained.."FINE. =o= anyways, Auntie Zima, those papers aren't official.. how can the results be accepted?""they ARE official.. special from the university itself..""but the papers look ordinary looking to me.." I tilted my head."that's because I made a few copies and edited it to look ever looking ordinary..""ohh.. wow hard work ma'am..but u know, u could've just told me before..""if I did, u'll be nervous and can't score properly..I always review ur results in those revision papers,and they were consistent, unlike ur exam papers..it's like riding a roller coaster.. exam 1 goes up,exam 2 goes down, exam 3 goes up, exam 4 goes down.." she said while shaking her head.."ahh.. u guys know me TOO well.." I said with my hand behind my neck..
"so, enough with the chit chat.. come.. I'll do ur hair.." she walks to the haircutting chair..(she's changing topics just like that.. :O)"my hair?" I looked at her weirdly"yeah ur hair.. u've been 'complaining' about it being too curly..come on, I'll give some Zimagic(zima+magic xD) on it.." she stretched her fingers and continued.."oh come on.. we have a closed area (the wall divider thingy)
u want it closed or just outside here?""outside just fine.." I stood up, put my bag and walked to her.."so.. what kind of style do want?" she said while the girls walked over.."something stylish and fresh, yet very easy to manage..""okay.. how about this? we'll leave it long, straightened and layered?""oo..like my old style that I used to have.. I like that one :D""okay then..! layered and straightened we'll have!"
We started off with measuring the hair length I want.. cut it a bit shorter than my original hair.. then she wetted my hair, and put on the hair straightening medication... then I went to the steamer to make the medication infused in the hair fibres.. as what I was told by Auntie Zima... I had to be under the steamer for some while (I mean a couple of hours=o=).. the girls were tired of waiting, so Auntie Zima gave them a pedicure for free.. my hair had to be done properly so that the medication works best and long-lasting.. so, about 4 to 5 hours for me..(A/N: trust me, I know these things.. =o=)
the girls went to the bakery after they've done with the pedicure.. Johan went also(he drove there).. so I was left at the shop with Auntie Zima and her workers.. While waiting for the hair to finish, they gave me a manicure too.. now my fingernails are shiny(A/N: SHINee xD).. the girls came back with a bag full of baked goods.. which was ultimately DELICIOUS!
They pretty much bought two of each.. well, that seems a lot, but it's not that lot.. I mean, just enough for a taste of each for everyone, right? PLUS, food tastes better with sharing.. besides, a quarter of these were 'treated' by Juhairi oppa.. so, no surprise then.. he is generous.. :D I ate a few while waiting for my hair to finish.. I especially like the walnut brownie and the raspberry custard square tart.. :D We talked, laughed, ate and waited some more..
After an hour or so, my hair finally being washed and the medication is put again.. this time is for strengthening.. so, that my hair won't fall out on me.. then I went to the steamer again.. Johan amused me from boredom with him chatting besides me.."I want a haircut too" he said suddenly to his mom..his hair is pretty long.. well, he actually kept it long since it's school holidays.. his mom called a worker of hers, and Johan began sitting next to me.. waahhh happiness overload... :D *oh yeah, the girls went shopping at Giant.. yeah they had to cross the traffic but they were so bored of waiting, they had to..
After just over 45 mins, Johan finished with his hair.. he looked VERY nice with his hair like that.. although it's almost similar to when I saw him the first time, he looked REALLY REALLY nice.. (plus his hat...:D) he then took a pic of himself with his guitar which he left at the shop.. u know, customer service xD...
I just finished washing my hair.. I had to hold my hair up with a towel in one hand, and needed to make up my shirt in one hand.. Johan came from behind and helped me hold my hair towel as I do my shirt.. awww so sweeett.. :D he held it until I finally seated at the chair.. Auntie Zima came back with her set of scissors, straightening iron, water spray, and all sorts of haircut tools.. she began with trimming my hair, then she layered it, and finally ironed(straightened).. and the final product is.........
(A/N: this is a recent pic of me... ah so embarrassing~)So, the girls came back exactly after I just finished with the straightening iron... they sat down at the lounge with their shopping bags containing food.. xD I walked over to them and said.."FINISHED! :DD""ohh mcm rmbut ko yg dlu.." Jay said with an ice cream in her hand..Dilla said, "rmbut ko dlu cm ni eh?" Johan, "lawakan? power la mak aq :D"the girls nodded to his comment..I answered, "yeah... this was my old hairstyle, but I like this one better.. thanks Auntie Zima.. :D"Auntie Zima, "yeah, u better be... u're lucky to get a master to do ur hair, I wished I had mine.. :D"we laughed in unison..
I went to the cashier counter and wanted to pay for my hair.. then Johan said, "no need la.. kan mak aq bg sbgai hadiah.." I answered, "but she said the studying expenses were her gift.." "well, if that's so, considered a gift from me.."
he took out his wallet and started pulling out money to pay.. I tried to stop him but he insisted.. "ahhh I'm weak.." I said, he laughed.. as we were walking out of the shop, I thanked Johan for paying, the other workers who helped, and thanked Auntie Zima for the haircut and the studying expenses also.. all of us got in the car, and I asked the girls what they bought.. they answered, "food"... I laughed.. Johan sent the girls home first.. since I'm his neighbour, he sends me home the last.. We're at the traffic light, and he said,"u look really nice with ur hair down u know..""huh? well, that's out of the blue.. why the sudden hair question?""nothing, just wondering whether u want to let it down when u have tutors at my house..""no thank you.. It'll be super hot(A/N: xDD).. plus the very humid climate, no way man..""fine.. just wanted to say u look nice with it.. :D""thank you.. :)"
We arrived home after a few minutes.. and I went to my umi's room.. and showed my hair.."eh, ko buat kat ner?" "kedai Auntie Zima.. anak die belanja.. so, lepas ni xyah la balik Muar nak buat rambut.. :D""bpe harga? ko mmg x byr lgsung ke?""tdi nk byr, tpi die byr kn sume, dia kta hadiah :Pharga, RM245 sbb a year permanent..""mahal nyer...!"
"da tu, rmbut pnjang nih, pastu ade strengthening treatment skali.."
"oh.. kire berbaloi la gak kan?""amat berbaloi sbb ade org belanja.. muahaha >:D"
Auntie Zima told me that I can't wash my hair just yet.. the medication needs to settle in at least for 48 hours.. so, yeah, I can't wash my hair for at least 2 days.. that doesn't mean that I can't bathe though..=o=... so, I tied up my hair and went to have a shower.. not getting my hair wet is easy.. so, no complications with that.. I'm out of the shower, and a message came in.. Johan sent a text.. I read it, "wanna go for a concert tomorrow?" I replied, "sure, but need to tell my mom first.. u know,since my dad's not home.." I took out some clothes for me to wear..another came a few mins later, "ahh.. right, he's away to Cape Town right?""yeah, so, I already asked my mom, she said if I'm with u, it's okay..""with me? haha she gave her trust to me already? cool.""yeah.. well, since she knows u're a nice boy,anyway, when's the concert? night?"
"yeah.. about after maghrib.. + don't wear heels.."
"uh? why? who's concert anyway?"
"I'll tell u that later.. oh and Dilla is coming also..""cool.. at least I have a girlfriend to keep me company..the ticket? u paid for it?""yeah, it's a backstage pass, I'll give it tomorrow.."
"uwaahhh... Dilla's also?"
"well, yeah.. all three of us..""that's a lot of money to withdraw..."
"it's okay, I can afford it.. dress casual kay?"
"okay.. :D c ya tmrw.."
The SMS-ing ended and I went for dinner... can't wait for tomorrow! :DD ah also, I wonder what's the deal Auntie Zima made with my parents.. I don't remember her coming over to discuss something about the studying expenses.. hmm.. fishy fishy....O.oTo Be Continued.... :DDDnext chapter---> :DDplease 'like' this and my Clouds Above page at fb! ^0^
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