[fic025] Ice Cream To The Rescue!
U guys wanna know?!! My crush called my name this morning and I was like, all sparkly eyes and go, "yeeeeee?" and he was like, "oh.kay. I wanna ask about this....bla bla bla.." I was so into thinking that his right eyebrow was so cute, I didn't hear out his question. I had to ask him back what was the question he asked me. It was one of my most embarrassing moments EVER! (and YES I know I'm weird, thinking eyebrows are cute.. APPARENTLY, his' were cute!! ;D) OH YEAH! this WHOLE update is Johan's POV! :DD
We arrived at the hotel.. in silence.. We saw the whole group gathering at the lobby, going to the outdoor deck for dinner. Elyza wasn't with any of them. We walked in the lobby and they saw us coming in and the guys hugged Aisyah and asked her where she went and stayed. They apologized and promised to make up to her. She didn't speak, just smiled and went straight to the lift, going to her room."What's up with her? Did u guys fight?" Key asked us."....""I'll take that as a yes then." said him later."heh don't worry about them. They *eyeroll* LOOOVE each other, so, they play around. Come on, let's go! Let's go! I'm hungry already! Palli!" Dilla said to the guys. And all of them walked to the door, heading to the outdoor deck. I hope Dilla is right. Aisyah looks too serious to be joking right now. :/
*at the outdoor deck*
"Hey! You're here already! :D" Elyza smiled to me, picking up some salad at the buffet table."Yeah. I'm here." I faintly smiled back."So, if u are here, then Raja should be too right? Where is she?""She's up in her room, I guess." I continued looking at the dishes prepared."Why is she in her room? Doesn't she want dinner?"
"....I don't know." I went away with my plate. I didn't want her to be mad at me because I made her friend pissed off. So, better safe than hurt, right?
"What's up with Johan and Raja?" I heard Elyza ask Dilla when she settled at a table near mine."They fought. I don't know the full story." I'm sad to hear she said we fought.. Even though it's kinda true. :/"Then? Why didn't he do something about it? I mean make up to her?" Elyza sounded slightly pissed."I don't know. Ask him laaa...!" said hungry Dilla.
I was eating my dinner and heard footsteps behind me. I'm sure it's Elyza, trying to speak to me about Aisyah."Hey." Yup. It's Elyza."Oh hey." I look up to see her face. She sat at the chair next to my right."So, u fought with Raja? Is that why u sounded guilty?" Did I sound guilty? OMG."...yeah." I looked down."THEN WHY THE HECK DIDN'T YOU PUJUK HER?!" She slapped the table down. I was startled by her action. Everybody's eyes were on her. She looked at the people and made a 'sorry' sign with her hands."So? Care to explain to me?" She lifted her brow. Yup. She's pissed."...S-she. doesn't want to talk to me." I managed to speak up a reason.
"Did u even try?" She placed her right arm on the table and tilted her head a bit."..*gulp*.. not yet."
"WHHAAATTT?! why?" She gaped her mouth wide. Wide enough to make 10 flies come in.
"I'm afraid she'll be more mad at me."
"That's the ONLY reason?"
"Not that ONLY! ...I...I..just...don't know how to...u know...console her.." I fiddled with my fingers. GAAAHH~! I feel like a girl."Look. I don't know what u guys fought about, but Raja can easily forgive people and she doesn't hold grudges for too long. She knows that's the best. I mean, she's smart enough to know that grudges don't make urself happy. So, she avoids that." explained Elyza."...but...that doesn't mean that she'll forgive me, right?""Would u stop being negative?!" She slapped the table again. but this time, it was slightly softer. I jerked back at her scold."You see, the best way to win her heart is by gifts. She likes small cute stuff that she can keep. OR give her something sweet. Girls like that." Elyza continued."I guess I should try." I played with the hem of my t-shirt."Not guess! DO IT! or else!" She held up her fist above my head."Now?!" I asked her."NOW!! GO GO!" She shooed me. I went back inside the lobby and outside the hotel. I was speed-walking to the nearest kage (convenience store) around the hotel area.
"Now, what should I get her? Keychain? rings? necklace? wait." I stopped for awhile."Elyza said to get something sweet....*thinkingthinking*...ICE CREAM!" I said to myself. Who would've thought consoling a girl would be this hard? SHEESSHHHH.... =.=
I arrived at a local convenience store. I stepped in and the cashier girl greeted me with her "Eoso oseyo~ (Welcome)".. I went straight to the ice cream fridge at the back of the shop. I opened it up and there were SO MANY kinds of ice creams!
I mean popsicles, and LOTS OF IT! Swirl ice creams in a cup, then this caught my eyes. Ice cream fish waffles. or fish waffle ice creams? I dunno what to call it. I never tasted it before. Who knows what it tastes like.. but oh well, it looks good. It has this ice cream cone like wafer texture for the 'waffle', red bean paste spread inside, on top of the vanilla ice cream. Fish waffle.. I want one too... but it's for Aisyah. I'll just buy one. She'll probably let me bite a bit off hers later :P *strategy strategy* I'm so good at this :D
So, I took the ice cream to the cashier and the girl was staring at my face like I had something on it. I was like,"WTH are u looking at, girl?" but I didn't say it to her. I'm not THAT rude =.= but I DID say, "Yeoboseyo? Anyone there?" I wave in front of her. She was scanning my ice cream for like 5 times! and the bill was 5 times the actual price. I just had to bring her back to Earth.
"Why did you look at me like that?" I asked her when she fixed the price. "Oh it's nothing. It's just that, u look like SHINee's Jonghyun. VERY look-a-like." She packed the ice cream and suddenly asked me. "Sorry, but can I take a picture with u?" I was like, Koreans are SO weird.. so, I answered, "Sure. but hurry. I need to go fast." so, she took out her Korean smartphone and snapped a picture with her doing a 'V' sign next to her face. I swear to GOD her aegyo is SUPER SUUUUPPER fake.. I MEAN REALLY! she goes all poutie with her lips and shows her front teeth. I was like, "WTH are u doing next to my handsome face?"
ANYWAY, I walked out of the shop and ran back to the hotel. I dunno, I felt like running back. It's like I was supposed to rescue Aisyah with ice creams. Haha me and my daydreams (or night dreams?) about Aisyah. SO, I went inside the lobby and start to walk to the lift. but then I thought, what if she won't open up the door for me? I need someone's voice. Elyza or Dilla or even Key.
So, I went back to the outdoor deck and met Elyza."So, what did u buy?" she asked me, looking at the plastic bag I'm holding."Fish waffle ice cream." I showed her."Ooo... mcm sedap jeee.." said her. I ignored it."Oh yeah! Can I get ur voice recorded? calling for Aisyah.""What do u mean?" Elyza said with a small piece of fruit in her mouth."You know, just in case she doesn't want to open up the door on me.""Ooo.. strategy. I liikee.. so, what do u want me to do?" I took out my phone out of my back pocket."Call out Raja, bukak laa.. or something similar.." I explained."Should I call over Dilla and make her call out Raja too?""Sure. Where is she? I need it fast."
"Why the rush?" She said while SMS-ing Dilla."The ice cream's melting." She made a skeptic look and raised her brow at me."What??? It's true.. It's hot out tonight." I continued while fanning my hot neck. I'm becoming too warm because I ran before.
After a few minutes, I gathered Elyza's and Dilla's "Raja calls" and I asked for luck from the girls. I'm so tacky, I know. So, I went up and waited for awhile in front of Aisyah's room door. I was like, "Calm down.. She won't bite. She's a good girl after all. What harm can she give right?" So, I got my phone with the voice recording ready and clicked the door bell and her voice can be heard from the inside.. "Nuguseyo? (Who is it?)" I played Elyza's voice. "It's me~ open up!" I heard a few clashes of sounds from the inside and finally heard light footsteps to the door. I saw the door knob moved and held the ice cream in front of my face.
When she opened up the door fully, I was still holding the fish ice cream in front of my face. She spoke to me after a few blinks,"What. are u. doing?" I lowered my hands and smiled behind the ice cream."Just handing u some ice cream?" I quirkily smiled and handed her the ice cream."Thanks. Now go away." She tried to close the door, but I grabbed it and pushed it open. I voluntary welcomed myself in. The hotel room was a mess.
I walked in and I saw her packing up her stuffs. I know she was really disappointed with the SHINee vacation. It's written all over her face. It was sooo awkward sitting on the bed with the clothes and souvenirs in the room, scattered all over the floor. So, to break off the awkwardness, I decided to speak up first.
"Packing up already?" I bravely asked her while she was keeping the ice cream in the fridge."What do u think I'm doing?" She slammed the fridge door. Yup she's disappointed and pissed off, alright. Well, that was a stupid question. I mentally slapped myself and decided to ask another question."So, why didn't u come down and have dinner?"
"I'm too tired to eat."
"Yet u're not tired packing up?"
"Somehow I felt energetic to leave this country. Well, at least away from u for awhile." She rolled her eyes and went to the other room and slammed the door. I followed her and pushed the door open,"THAT'S IT! All of this is just... stupid! I mean really! Why are we having a cold war over a small thing?""A small thing say? YOU *she pointed at me* played with MY feelings, making me feel anxious whenever I'm close to you and u say that's SMALL?!"
"Well I said I was sorry!""Well, apparently your 'sorry' doesn't make up for everything does it?" GOD this is becoming hard to control."THEN?! What do u want me to do?!"
"LEAVE ME ALONE! JUST..*sigh*..leave me alone....." She started crying. I knew she's going to break down sooner or later. She just can't scold a person she loves. Her friends, her family. She just can't do it. She just cried, sitting on the floor pulling her legs together and covering her head with her arms. I knelt down near her and held her arm. She pushed it away. Well, that hurt. :(
"Stop crying. I don't know how to console girls. Please." I begged her. Seriously, I don't know how to stop a girl from crying. I'm on the verge of crying already. please stop crying..... pleasee! Then suddenly, she stopped. SHE STOPPED?! She slowly and steadily stood up and wiped her tears away."I've wasted too many tears for u Johan. Too many..." Ouch. that hurt too."Aisyah....I-" She just walked away from me and went to the bathroom. I heard the tap water run and sounds of water splashing to the sink. I still hear her trying to stop crying and sucking it in. She's a strong girl I know it.
I took a towel from the chair just outside the bathroom and waited for Aisyah to come out from the bathroom. After a few minutes, she came out with a wet face. I knew there wasn't any towels inside because all the towels were outside. So, I gave the one I was holding and she looked at it. She softly and weakly took it from me and wiped her face. Her eyes were red and puffy. As she walked towards the living room, I switched off the bathroom light and skipped to the kitchen and took out the ice cream she left in the fridge earlier. I took it and gave it to her. She was sitting on the couch and fixing her hair. I sat next to her and said my sorry again. I honestly felt guilty towards her and I really didn't mean to make fun of her like that. I became slightly obsessive recently and I decided to play it out. Lastly, I caressed her face with both of my hands and said sorry while making straight eye contact with her.
She was touched and with her right hand, she slightly slapped my face and said,"Don't u EVER EVER dare do it again, ARASSO?""I get it and I promise I won't do it ever again. :)" I said while gesturing my hand to my vow.She smiled, and I smiled back. At last, I get to open up the ice cream and feed her."You're hungry, aren't you?" I asked her as I see her gobble up the ice cream. She nodded."Should we go out and eat? Have u ever tried ddeokbokki around here before? It's REAALLLYY good :D" She just smiled back and finally we're back in peace while holding hands.
To Be Continued.... :DDDplease 'like' this and my Clouds Above page at fb! ^0^next chapter----> :DD
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