"I heard u sigh. I thought u were crying again....." He scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to do.
"so? let's go. I know this great restaurant my mom used like. KAJA~!"
"What the heck are u doing here?" I asked him, ignoring his comment.
"I'm helping out my uncle. This restaurant belongs to him." aaahh.. so, that's why.. I nodded to the thought.
"Hairi? u're jealous of Hairi now?"
"Hairi is not a bad person. I know this because nothing happened to me last night. I mean, if I were to be left with u for a night, I probably would be wasted. I'm 90% sure of it."
"Oh really? I'm have a bad person's image, huh? Well, since I'm a 'bad person', should I do 'bad things' to you now?" he begins to walk slowly towards me. I stepped back as he steps forward.
I stopped my kisses and looked at her,
"I see u're enjoying my kisses." I whispered to her ear. HAHA now what do u know.. See really did enjoy it.
"ehm.. No I DIDN'T!" She said trying to cover up. HAHA cute... :D
"wanna continue?" I jokingly said.
"WHAT THE HELL?! OF COURSE NOT!" She's mad I played with her.
"hehe don't be mad. I was just playing with you."
"You! I swear to GOD I'll- I'll-!"
"you'll do what, yeobo?" I pulled her chin close to my face.
"You! I swear to GOD I'll- I'll-!"
"you'll do what, yeobo?" I pulled her chin close to my face.
"I'll slap you." She said coldly. OUCH my cheek. She sure did a huge blow. OUCH.
"OUCH! What was that for?!" I felt my left cheek.
"THAT was for playing with my emotions! u FREAKING weird boy! u were mad and hurt before, and then u were smiling like nothing had just happened! Do u know how crazy I went seeing u like this? and then u said u were just playing?! SO, STFU!" She turned her back and crossed her arms. OMG I really made her mad. I didn't know she'd took it all for real. I really didn't mean to. I swear. I was having fun, really.
"Okay. Look. I really really really really really am sorry. I'm guilty, I know. But I was just testing u for future purposes."
"chht.. future purposes my ass." she hissed.
"I didn't want these small things hold u down and break u down right away. I know there is this strong Zahira inside you, and I know she's capable to do extraordinary things. Again, I'm SO SO SO sorry I made u waste ur tears on me. I'm sorry I made u snap, I'm sorry I made u scream ur lungs out. I'm sorry okay? I truly am." She was crying. She didn't really show it, but I know she's crying.
"Forgive me okay?" I held her shoulders. She was trembling. I peeked to see her face, YUP I was right. She was crying. So, I turned her around and wiped her tears away. She looked at me and asked,
"Just promise u won't do anything like that again!"
" *smile* I promise you. I won't :)" She hugged me. She wrapped her arms around my waist. Her wet face met my white shirt and made it wet too.
" *smile* I promise you. I won't :)" She hugged me. She wrapped her arms around my waist. Her wet face met my white shirt and made it wet too.
BANG! The door flung open suddenly. Hairi kicked the door open and Aisyah looked to see.
"YOU son of a BITCH! *smack* " Hairi punched me in the face, making me fall on the ground.
"Hairi stop!" Aisyah shouted at Hairi.
"Why should I?! This guy deserves it!" he squawked.
"It was all a misunderstood situation! It's okay now!" She's trying her best to hold him off as I tried to stand back up. Aisyah saw me trying to stand, so she rushed to me and helped me up. Sweet girl.
"It was all a misunderstood situation! It's okay now!" She's trying her best to hold him off as I tried to stand back up. Aisyah saw me trying to stand, so she rushed to me and helped me up. Sweet girl.
"B-but he... he did things to you!" I smirked. I wanted to laugh my ass off but the punch he did gave a huge impact, I can't move my jaw. The right side of my lips were bleeding. I wiped a bit off. Ouch.
"OMG ur lips! They're bleeding!" Aisyah was shocked.
"Look at what u did Hairi!" She was wiping the blood on my lips.
"B-but h-he...." Hairi stuttered.
"I don't care what he did. Ouch that must hurt a lot." She's still care for me. UWEKK sucks for you pretty boy.
Aisyah put me on the chair and went out to find the manager and ask for the aid kit. Hairi was still at the door, dumbfounded. HAHA I swear his expression was HILARIOUS!
So, Aisyah helped me put ointment on my bleeding lips and she took care of it well. She even massaged my cheek. Even though it hurt A LOT, but then the swollen part didn't come out, bulging. She was a great massager. I remember she said she 'worked' for her dad. haha poor her.
After she nursed me, I explained to Hairi what happened. He understood and apologized for the punch. I said I really did deserved it. I wasn't supposed to play with people's heart and even their mind. We talked for a bit and Aisyah even brought us tea. We sat at the lounge room until late evening. Around 5:30-6pm? Aisyah said she wanted to go back to the hotel, so, I agreed. I thanked Hairi for taking care of her and we went back to the hotel.
We were in the car and Aisyah was thinking deep. She was staring in the space with this look on her. This, disappointed, frustrating look on her. "what? what's wrong?" I asked her.
"My SHINee vacation. It's about over. Today was the last day. I wasted it on crying for u." She looked at me, angry.
"My SHINee vacation. It's about over. Today was the last day. I wasted it on crying for u." She looked at me, angry.
"Oh come on.. it's not that bad. At least we gained something from this trip."
"and what is that?" She crossed her arms.
"and what is that?" She crossed her arms.
"Our relationship." I smiled.
"chht.. u mean the heart-breaking relationship?" she looked out of the window.
"chht.. u mean the heart-breaking relationship?" she looked out of the window.
"I said I was sorry."
"Just saying u're sorry didn't mean I forgave u.." She's cold sometimes.
"Just saying u're sorry didn't mean I forgave u.." She's cold sometimes.
"Fine. Take ur time. I won't force u to forgive me."

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