[fic013] When is His Birthday?
Yay! I'm back! I know it's a bit late... I've been VERY busy with school, so, I didn't have the time to update.. I did get the time today~ so HAPPY READING!! ;DD
Tuesday,*Johan's house* (A/N:room to be exact!)
We were doing our homework given by the teachers earlier this morning.. Modern Math, Add Math, History, Chemistry, Physics... aahh so many...O.O glad-fully the due dates weren't close to each other.. so we managed to do the homework by sequence.. starting from the nearest due dated homework, Add Math... =o= I suck in add math even though my mod math is excellent.. (A/N: ngeh3 :D) anyway, doing add math with Johan nearby is a relief.. it's because I can't find a solution to the problem given without someone guiding me and points me my mistakes...
I was doing my add math, scribbling formulas and solutions on my scribble paper with my cute pen and pushing the buttons on my Casio fx-570ES calculator..
scribble, scribble, scribble, think, think, think.... the atmosphere was silent and all I hear is the ceiling fan.. I start to rummage my bag and getting my mp3.... then suddenly I felt someone (or something O.O) staring at me...
"...what are you staring at Johan?" I asked looking at him.."You" he answered with his chin resting on right hand..*zzziingggg!*it was a short reply but shivered me to my bones..I straighten my sitting position, looked away and asked,"w-why are u staring at me..? stare at something else..u're freaking me out.. =o=""I can't.." still staring and resting his chin.."and WHY is that so? it's not lik-..." I turned my head, about to point my pencil at himbut his gaze (and closeness to my FACE!) stopped me..My mind had gone blank.. trying to make up a word..AHH! my mind library had burnt down!*snap!*"y-yah... s-step away from me.. u-u're too close.." I stuttered."ah. sorry.. u're too interesting..." he backed away..INTERESTING?! O.O"I-Interesting? w-what do you mean by *gulp* interesting?" I asked, still stuttering my words out.."I mean ....u're ...special in some way which I can't express.. that in.te.res.ting."he said while nodding to his sentence.."whaaa....*made a face + blink blink* whatever dude.. u're weird for thinking up something like that.." I looked back at my paper.."it's NOT weird.. it's natural to find the other sex interesting...haven't u ever thought of what boys are thinking?if not, YOU are weird.." he backfired.."*loud* O-OF COURSE I THOUGHT ABOUT *soft*it...*fiddling with fingers*""u're not weird then.... :D"is that suppose to be a compliment or an insult? =o=I blinked and continued doing my homework..
"ssoo.. what did u get from ur parents?" Johan asked, stopping his scribblings.."get what?" I answered not looking at him, scribbling at paper.."present for ur bday of course.." putting his pencil at his lips... (A/N: UWAAHH!!! ^0^)"oh.. I got a cake.. My parents bought it at secret recipe's and we ate it at home.."
"and u didn't get any presents? :O" he looked shocked.."what's with the face, it's kinda normal for me not getting presents...besides, having them around is the best present ever..oh, I'm such a good daughter! xD""yeah u are...*sarcastic*""it's true REALLY!" I widened my eyes, trying to convince him.."okay2 I believe u... but still, NO presents fora student who is in her senior year? that's a bit...weird""naaah... I'm totally fine with it.. besides.. I DID get a few presents...""but u said-""u asked whether I got anything from my PARENTS...=o=... I DID get a few from Dilla, Elyza and my not-really-related-family..""not-related-family? what do u mean?""my ex-neighbour that used to take care of me when my parents were working.. during my baby dynasty~ xD"
"uuu... sooo what did u get from them?" he asked..I pulled out my phone, he scooted nearer to see.."from dilla and elyza~" swiping (A/N:touch phone)through the pics in my phone..
"uuu teddy bear... they bought it? what size was it? was it big?""pretty big.. the size was just nice~ :Dthe brown one has a hidden pouch at the back.. I keep my tiny-precious-stuffs in there.. don't tell anyone.. :P""okay I won't~ :)""okay! aaaannnnd from my other family members~ from their daughters,"
"this is a animal sticky note set... I especially like the kitty paw one :D""cute... I bet it's pricey.." he said.."Is it really? how'd u know that?" I asked.."Malaysia doesn't print this kind of stuff much.. so, either it's imported or manufactured by a small company..which would cost a lot.." he nodded.."yeah I guess u're right.." I nodded in sync with him..
"oh? what's this?" he asked curiously.."it's coloured masking tape.." I answered.."masking tape? for what?" he asked again while turning his head at me.. OMG he's so cute~"u know, deco stuff... I like giving presents to people I know,so they gave me decorating supplies for that.. last year I got a ribbon & gift wrap set xD""haha who'd knew that u're getting the deco-s and NOT the present itself? XDD""right? that's what I thought too! xDD"
we laughed at the same opinion and I continued swiping through the pics..
"this is from my 'other' parents..I especially like the panda one :D""it's cute... just nice for a girl... but five of them?""yeah.. they said to change mugs for each workday...I mean SCHOOL day...""oh? why is that?" he asked again.. so cute! ^o^"the action supposed to mean, a change everyday for the better..""Oohh.. cool.. I never knew such cute things could havesuch deep meanings to it..." he said while nodding..
"soo.... is that all u got from anyone?" he continued..."so far yes... OH! that reminds me..! what did u get when u left me alone in front of the clothes store last Friday?"I asked, hoping he remembers what happened that day.."last Friday, u mean the day that we met Hairi?"Hairi..? oh the guy who found my keychain..I wonder why Johan remembers Hairi for that certain day.. did something happened between them? hmmm..."yeah... that day.. the day we went to the indoor theme park.." I said.."I got nothing.." he answered.."nothing?! u left me for nothing?!" I squawked.. "of course I left u for something... It's just.....""just what?""I'm not sure whether it's the right time for me to tell u this..""tell me what?" then he stands up.. walking to his closet..he has something in his hand which he put behind his back...I couldn't see what's behind him.. man he's making me VERY curious!
"here..." he handed me a ....black leather........ HANDBAG?!
"w-what's this?" I reached out my hand, took the bag,and slowly examined it...I was shocked due to the unexpected outcome.."a handbag of course... what? u're expecting something else?"
yeah I was.. huuu there goes my dream of getting something for TWO of us.."ah? no I didn't.. so, u left me all alone and bought this?wow, u're fast at picking styles, and it's good.." I asked.."ah this? no.. my mom bought this.. I'm bad at choosing girl stuff.." he answered.."eii.. I thought u're only bad at cooking.. liar..=o=""well, my skills for choosing styles are not as bad as my cooking..=o=""is it really THAT bad? I really wanna try ur cooking.." I asked curiously,"oh no no.... u'll die because of it.." he explained."hey, don't say it like that... If u practise, u'll get better.. don't look down on Allah's creation.." I 'lectured'.."okay2... sorry.. I'll work harder, ONLY if u help.." he said,"don't worry, I'll definitely help.." I said..
"soo.. how's the bag? like it? I could've given u something better though.." he said.
"uh? this is nice really~ thank you! :DDbtw, u said ur mom bought this.. What do u mean by YOU give me something better?" I asked,"well, I showed my mom this website which I saw a similar design of this bag,and I asked my mom to buy it for u..the website didn't have any online ordering system..so, I called the owner (of the website) and she said 'to buy the item, u have to come to their store..' so my mom went to buy them.." Johan answered.
"why didn't YOU go urself?" I asked again."I was busy at school.. besides, if I were to go, u would've sensed that I did something that might have stirred ur curiosity.." he answered.."true..*nod nod* waaa.. u know me too well..! good2 :D STILL, this doesn't answer my question earlier...""what's ur question btw?" he said.."what did u get when u left me alone last Friday?" =o= aigoo this boy.."I can't tell you yet.." he said.."yet? hmm.... when u're ready, tell me right away okay?!" I said,"okay2 don't worry I will, definitely.." he assured me..and we continued doing our homework,not even 1minute passed,
"AH! when's ur bday? I didn't get the chance to ask u before..."I stopped doing my homework.."my bday? it had passed... 8th April.." he said..O.O 8TH APRIL?!! they even have the same date!! "why? wanna give presents to me?I still accept bday gifts.. there's NO expiry date available.. :DD" he said proudly.."tch... yah.. who the heck still accept bday gifts even after two months? weirdo.." I said, hiding my surprised thoughts.."I do.. haha :D" he said.. "well, that's because u're weird..." I answered back..and I was just about to ask another question then he,
"yah.. cut the chat... my homework didn't make any progress with me talking with you all the time..look at yours..you probably didn-...*looks at my homework* WHAT?! when did u get there so fast?! cheater!" he squawked.."HEY! what cheater?! I'm a fast writer okay?" I backfired..He starts freaking out and carelessly continuing his homework..
So in the end we ended up finishing our homework late in the night... this is the negative point of doing ur homework with a close acquaintance... huu.. so, I got home pretty late, 11:45p.m... my parents are used to me coming home late.. they know I'm learning and not doing anything stupid.. they trust me for my doings... unlike some of my friends.. waahh.. I have such cool parents :D *proud*
To Be Continued.... :DDDnext chapter ---> :DDplease 'like' this and my Clouds Above page at fb! ^0^
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