[fic014] She did WHAT?!
aahh... my mid term exams are coming to get me!! help!! it's next week... starting on May 11th.. Wednesday with Physics(3) and Chemistry(3).... huhu.. I better get this chapter done by today or I'll have to postpone until this school holidays... soo.. HAPPY READING!! ;DD
It's exam week... after much hard work of studying, I managed to answer my papers confidently and I'm satisfied with it.... Every time I finished a paper, Johan was always there to ask me whether I was okay... We never discussed the answers, unless I'm really not sure about it... which I always check the books and not ask him.. but he's always there to ask what am I doing, he wants to help and such... nevertheless, the exams were a bit difficult than I expected... the teachers did say something about it being much much harder than the SPM... so it really was! I wonder that's the reason Johan ALWAYS asks me whether I was okay... haha he was more nervous than I am.... I guess.. xDD
It's school holidays already and for two weeks we're FREE.... finally! all we have been doing lately was STUDY, STUDY, and MORE STUDYING!! it was the start of the school holidays and it was a Sunday and us, girls were at the stadium doing a bit of morning exercises after meeting with Janah who left BBST for a higher educated school in Penang...there was only 3 of us : me, Jay(Janah) and Dilla... Elyza went to Sydney, Australia... others couldn't come, they went to their parents village..
*jogging track*"yah... apsal Johan xikut skali? aq nk gak tgk muka si Johan yg Dilla asyik bising nih.." said Jay, jogging along next to me.."Dilla asyik bising pasal Johan?" I said, looking at Dilla.."What? aq xleh tahan.." said Dilla still jogging.."why you! yah!! I told u not to tell!" I gestured to hit Dilla..
"ape2 pon.. apsal die xikut?" Jay asked.."Dia pegi tolong mak die kt spa la.."I answered, slowing down my pace.."Spa? die wt pe kt situ? tlong pegang knhandbag mak die? xDD" laughed Jay.."pegangkan handbag...? xDD mak die own la spa tuu.. so, he's working there..." I answered again.."uuu... mesti best kan dpt laki hnsem 'kerjakan' ko... waahh.. so? ape die wt kt situ?" Jay asked,"kerjakan?! xD dia in charge of hair kot.. ntah la.." I said, stopped jogging.."Jauh ke spa tu? nk gi tgk......." Jay said between her breath.."kat Nilai, dekat kwsn McDonald's tuu... kt 9th Avenue bakery abang die.." I said after gulping some water.."waa... abang die ade bakery? now I really wanna go! jom la... jom laa..." Jay pleaded while shaking my arm.."ko nk pegi naik ape? bukan ade transport pon..." I rejected.."alaa... nnt time lunch, ko call la die amek kan... Dilla kta Johan ade lesen...aannd kereta~ mini cooper lak tuuu....alaaaa pplleeeaasseee..." she pleaded again."I don't know, kang menyusahkn die lak..." I said, tilting my head to the left..
*lunch hour*(Jay's house)"Raja! call la die...! da pkul 12:30 da nih.." said Jay while washing her dishes.."tak nak la.. kacau die je kang.. nak layan customer, nk layan kite lagi.." I'm giving excuses, while drinking a glass of water.."nah Jay, ckp! aq da tekan call da.." Dilla handing over my phone to Jay's ears.."ppffhhtt-*spilled water*.....WHAT?! DILLA!! DON'T!!" I screamed.."..hello~? ..Aisyaah~?" it was on loudspeaker.. he already picked up! :O"nahhh! cakap!" Dilla whispered and placed the phone close to my lips.."o-oh h-hey Johan.." I stuttered my words out..Jay and Dilla was holding their laugh at my side..."hey, I thought u were in trouble or something, I heard screams..."OMG HE HEARD ALL THAT?! O.O"oh really? sorry about that...Dilla played with my phone.. when did u picked up the phone?"I made a face to Dilla =.=*"I picked up right after the first ring... so....."*Jay and Dilla smiled at each other*"you w-what? O.o what were u doing?"I looked at them... :O
"I was about to eat, my handphone rang, I saw ur name, I picked up right away..ahaha I knew u couldn't live without me even for a day...""ahahah what?! haha u cocky bo-.."*my background*"yah! cepat la ckp....!" Jay and Dilla urged me.."okay2 fine*said to girls*... emm... Johaan,actually the girls wanted to go to ur mom's spa...u know, since we don't have any transport,c-can u pick us up?""sure... where do u want me to pick u up?"":O u're serious?!""well, yeah... it's kinda lonely here actually..the ahjummas(mak cik) here are teasing me that I don't have a girlfriend... so, care to be my gf?""w-what? u know I can't..." turning my back to the girls.."I mean for awhile... plleeeaasseee...."*Jay & Dilla was laughing behind me*"b-but...." I panicked.."it's okay if u don't want to.. then I won't pick u up then.."Johan 'threatened'.."yaahh! jdi je la... sekejap je pon!" the girls squawked.."okay2.. sheesshhh....=.=I'll be ur gf, BUT only for today... arasso?!(got that?!)""okay! so, where to pick u up?"
"umm... u know Mawar 1 right? E-mas Villa area..."
"yeah... on the way to school right?"
"yeah..we'll be around that area... u'll see us at the front entrance...""okay... I'll be there as fast as I could..""thanks by the way.."
"no problem, 'girlfriend'.."
the conversation ended... we made ourselves pretty and got ready at the front entrance... Johan came with his sky blue mini cooper right after we arrived at the place.. We got in and I found myself sitting next to the driver's seat.. "hi 'girlfriend'..." Johan teased and placed his left arm at the head rest of my seat.. I pushed it down and said, "u need it to change gears.." I smirked and he smirked also.. the girls giggled at the back seat... after sitting snugly and put on our seatbelts, we left off..
When we arrived at the place, Jay and Dilla was far excited than I am... I was kinda confused though.. why would a spa have a place for hair.. I mean like a hair specialist(barber) shop.. I asked Johan when he parked the car a bit far from the spa which was named, Calming Stream...
"hey, Johan.. why did ur mom have a hair treatment section in a spa?Isn't a spa usually don't have a hair section?" I said while closing the car door.."actually she graduated with that... hair treatment was her specialty.." he said while turning the car's lock/alarm button on.."oh really? I thought she's a dermatologist.." I said while walking away from the car..
"well, after she grad from a hair and make up academy,she went to Seoul for dermatology..there, she studied more about skin, and more hair stuff..""oohh... cool~ :D"
So, we entered the spa or Aunty Zima(Johan's mom) would call it, 'shop'... It was rather big... the lighting and the furnitures are classy and shop is overall very clean.. the workers wore dark brown and black uniforms which made them look very chic and neat.... I LIKEEE~~~ :DD
at the front, there's two separate area.. the front right one is the hair salon part.. and the front left is the lounge area, back left was spa area.. which includes manicure, pedicure and a beverage bar..
hair treatment area.. behind the shop (back right) was the washing area..
lounge area or waiting area..
manicure and hair washing area..
pedicure area.. aaaannnddd...
more hair treatment area and beverage bar..
We were looking at the interior design of the shop and we saw workers smiling at us, Johan then brought us over to his mom..
"hi Aunty Zima!" I said smiling, waving my hands and excitedly running over to hug.."hey! what are u doing here?" she said while hugging me.."my friends here wanted to come over and see ur spa.." I pointed over Jay and Dilla"u mean my shop? haha" she giggled.."haha yeah shop..:P" I stood and held my bag..
"oh really? and these are ur friends?"
"yeah, this is Janah and this is Dilla... the one who followed together with me and Johan when we went to the amusement park..""oh.. nice to meet u girls... and welcome to my shop..:DJohan, care to seat these lovely ladies to the lounge?I'll get something for a moment.." she said warmly.."okay ma.. come u guys, I mean girls.."
Johan lead us to a semi-circle sofa, which was velvet and maroon in colour... We sat as Johan stood and went to the bar and ordered some fruit juice for us... I sat right in the middle of the girls... We waited while looked around the shop... We saw people getting massaged, pedicured, manicured, hair being cut, straightened... so much was happening...
then came Johan with a tray.. there was no table in front of us, so, I pulled up a small coffee table from the side of the sofa and placed it in front of the semi-circle sofa... there were cool-and-refreshing-iced-honey-lemonade for the 4 of us(including Johan) on the tray.. I went to sit back at my place, but Dilla scooted next to Jay(I'm at the end of the girls line)... which made me(forced)to sit next to Johan... u girls... =o=... u're gonna get it from me sooner or later..

We took a few sips of the delicious honey lemonade and came Aunty Zima with 2 envelopes... the envelope was white in colour and had a badge logo at the top left of the envelope, accompanied with 3 long straight line of Korean writings next to it.. She gave one of the envelope to me and one to Johan..
"what's this?" I put down my glass and accepted the envelope with my right hand.."your college admission results.." she said while smiling.."college admission? I didn't apply for any college admission..when did this happened?" I said while looking at her.. she slowly sat next to me.."well, I've been talking to ur parents, and they agreed that u can study abroadif I pay for ur study expenses.. well, actually I offered to pay, so, I made a deal with them.." she said while looking at me attentively.."u w-what? pay for my study expenses?u mean the hundred thousands of studying expenses?!"I said in a shocked tone.."yeah... my husband and I agreed to pay separately..he pays for Johan, and I pay for u.." she said calmly and smiling.."wha-..how..why...?" I said lost of words.."well, I............
To Be Continued.... :DDDnext chapter... --> :DDplease 'like' this and my Clouds Above page at fb! ^0^
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