"okay, first of all, the word of me liking u never came out of my mouth, secondly, when did I became ur girlfriend? and thirdly, are u jealous that Hairi is somehow protecting me?" I answered uprightly.
"Of course I'm not...! why would I- ..tch ..get jealous of him?" His tone got softer and he looked down..
"why are u acting like this? u're being rude to someone whom I just been thankful of.." I said, which sounded like I'm nagging him..
"I was just ......worried that he'll do something to u.." he looks down again and sat silently on a bench,
near us
"u know, I can take care of myself.. like I always do. Don't u worry about that.. :) " I said, as I sat next to him.
"...still, since u're the first girl I've ever really care of, it's instincts I guess.. for me to protect u from any kind of umm.....danger.." He said silently while fidgeted his fingers, still looking down.
"aww... that's sweet of u.. but still, don't worry too much. I'll be fine on my own, okay?"
"*sigh*..okay.." he said pouting.
"now, let's go... it's getting late already.." I looked at my watch, 6:40pm..
Both of us stood up and walked back.. Everyone was ready at the entrance to go back home just as promised, 6:45pm-at the theme park entrance... We walked to the parking lot, where Johan's car was there, only to find Hairi, waiting for someone, looking at his watch for every 10 secs, leaning against his car, which was right next to ours...
"oh Hairi, not going home yet? u're waiting for someone?" I asked, 5 metres away from him, getting the car door..
"uh? oh, yeah.. I'm waiting for someone. u're going home are u?" he asked, getting up from leaning.
"yeah.. we're tired now.. :p" After I said that, I looked at Johan. Hoping that he understood my signal..
"Yah! Tell him!" my eyes told Johan.
"tell him what?" he answered back..widened
"apologize!" widening MY eyes.
"okay2..sheesh.." he rolled his eyes.
"umm ..Hairi.... can I talk to u for a minute?" Johan walking a bit away from the car.
"yeah, sure.. umm...it's Johan right?" he said, titling his head and smiled.
"uh, yeah.. umm... I just want to apologize about earlier. Guy friend instincts made me do that." Johan said while rubbing the back of his head.
"I know.........."
The girls(Elyza, Dilla & Nadia) and I were already in the car, not hearing a thing they said after that, as they got further away from the car.. We saw them talking and smiled.. they sure took awhile... finally they shook hands and finished talking.. Hairi and Johan walked to their cars back and smiled as they made eye contact.. The girls and I were, of course, curious of their little chat.. when Johan hopped in the car, I asked quickly...
"sooo? how did it go? u guys fine now?" widening my curious eyes.
"secreeeettttt......" he said, putting his right index finger on his lips while smiling.
"whhaaa....? no fair.. =o=" I pouted, while crossing my arms.
"nothing's fair my dear....." he said, gesturing his hand to sweep my chin.
"eeii.. no skinship allowed..!" I jerked back and avoided his hand from reaching my chin.
"whatever my lady... we're set now?" he looked at the girls at the back, already fasten their seat belts.
We just arrived home after Johan sent the girls to their homes... I went inside, seeing my parents, resting by the sofa, my father watching the TV with my sister(my bros went to boarding school-form1 & form4)..
"so tadi pergi mana?" my mom asked.
"hmmm...? times squareee cik..." I answered tiredly.
"sape bawak kan? Auntie Zima?(Johan's mom)", she asked again.
"takde la.. Johan yg bwkkn.." I went to the kitchen, drank water.
"ohh...tdi spe je yg ikut skali?" she's reading the newspaper.
"Dilla, Elyza, Nadia.. ngan budak2 laki tu. anak cik Zalena(Naqib's mom) pon ade umi.." I was washing the glass I used to drink.
"dorg naik ape?" her eyes were on the paper, not looking at me.
"kete dorg lah kot.. ntah xsure.." I'm exhausted. even for answering the questions..
"oh..eh?" she said while flipping the pages.
"kakak, mandi lu ar..." I continued...
so, I climbed the stairs and went to my room, taking off my sling bag, veil and got ready to shower and do my prayers... put my bag on the bed and grabbed my towel... *in the shower* wow it's a tiring-fun-day... *pats my sore shoulders* so much for exhaustion as a birthday present. . . . . . wait .....birthday present? *I stopped brushing my teeth for awhile and thought...* ah...that reminds me! what did Johan get when he left me alone earlier? hmm... should I ask? or let him be? hmmmm.....*continued brushing my teeth*
Johan's POV
Should I give it her later? or as soon as possible? *looks at the item in his hands* urghhh...with her heart got knocked by another boy, should I give it? seriously, it burns my eyes seeing that 'pretty' boy next to her.. I need to do something so that her heart won't waver..
"umm ..Hairi.... can I talk to u for a minute?" I walked a bit away from the car.
"yeah, sure.. umm...it's Johan right?" he said, titling his head and smiled.
"uh, yeah.. umm... I just want to apologize about earlier. Guy friend instincts made me do that."
"I know, It's like pouring fuel to the flames in ur heart just by seeing me with her earlier.. yeah, instincts..*sarcastic tone*"
"w-what?" I was shocked hearing him saying that..
"don't recognize me...? I've been following u guys around ever since u came to the school. Well, it has actually been 10 years since I knew her.. Before, no one knew I was even visible. But she, Aisyah, the only person who befriended me. In two years, she helped me made friends and I left this country because of my family. After 8 years hiding in the background, I came back here, to her school. I was about to confess to her, but YOU came in. wow.. such great timing man..." He smirked-looking like a good person,smiling normally..
I was shocked that he was an acquaintance of Aisyah, and he liked her since primary school..!
"and don't look so obviously shocked, THEY(the girls)*tilting his head to my car* might see u.." he continued while smiling.. he's such a fake..
"s-so.. does she know that u liked her since primary school?" I blatantly asked.
"urgh..why would I plan to confess if she'd already knew? are u stupid or something? of course she doesn't..." there he goes that creepy fake smile.
"so now, what are u going to do? get her back to u?" I asked.
"well, of course I would do that.. shall we find out who's the winner of her heart then... deal?"
"deal!" We shook hands and fake-ly smile.
We finished talking and went back to our cars, our eyes met and we smiled(fake) again.
*end of flashback*
hopefully that's the first and the LAST time we'll see him.. I guess I should fight for her then! If that's so, I'll give it to her faster.. It's for the better, right? ...She'll be mine and no one else..!

kesian hairi , sob sob :(
I just realized, I posted this on Jjong's bday.. :D
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