Sunday, 24 April 2011

[fic013] When is His Birthday?

Yay! I'm back! I know it's a bit late... I've been VERY busy with school, so, I didn't have the time to update.. I did get the time today~ so HAPPY READING!! ;DD

*Johan's house* (A/N:room to be exact!)

We were doing our homework given by the teachers earlier this morning.. Modern Math, Add Math, History, Chemistry, Physics... aahh so many...O.O glad-fully the due dates weren't close to each other.. so we managed to do the homework by sequence.. starting from the nearest due dated homework, Add Math... =o= I suck in add math even though my mod math is excellent.. (A/N: ngeh3 :D) anyway, doing add math with Johan nearby is a relief.. it's because I can't find a solution to the problem given without someone guiding me and points me my mistakes...

Friday, 8 April 2011

[fic012] Old friend?! :O

I won't be free for like 2 weeks, cause of the schedules I have.. - kenduri=this weekend, kem kepimpinan=next weekends.. hhuuu no rest~ =o='' anyway, HAPPY READING!! ;DD

"okay, first of all, the word of me liking u never came out of my mouth, secondly, when did I became ur girlfriend? and thirdly, are u jealous that Hairi is somehow protecting me?" I answered uprightly.
"Of course I'm not...! why would I- ..tch ..get jealous of him?" His tone got softer and he looked down..

Friday, 1 April 2011

[fic011] She's MY Girlfriend!

sorry... I didn't update for like a MONTH(?)! I was busy with my choral speaking practices and didn't get the chance to continue... So.. I hope this covers my a-month-hiatus!

"Johan~" I called to him.. he answered,"yeah?"
I gave a look to him.. he said,"what?"
"...pricey stuff again?"
"my mom said not to come home with your hands empty.."
"MY hands? It's okay really.. I don't really need anything.."
"It's not something u need... It's something u want.. so, anything u want?"
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