Wednesday, 11 July 2012
[fic044] Milk and Bread
Yeahh... As you can see, I'm trying to cover up the missing month when Aisyah and Johan had fights. So, hope you find this flashback moments amusing :D
Aisyah's POV
Haaa.. It's been awhile since I had cereal for breakfast. Ummi bought it yesterday. I paired the crunchy delectable flakes with cold milk. A perfect combination. Even better with honey swirled on top. Yum. That reminds me, milk.
"Dilla Dilla! Tolong amek kan gambar aku dengan Raja." Azizi was trying to get shots of him and me when the Redaksi members were at the open hall, getting pictures for the school magazine. Azizi pulled me to the chairs and sat me on one of it.
"Izzat! Ko pon sini!" He then shouted and called for Izzat.
"Buat ape? Taknak ah!" Izzat refused.
"Alah. Bukan kahwin pon! SINI AH!" Azizi pulled Izzat to me, making him sit next to me. Then Azizi sat on the other side of me. Concludes, Izzat sitting to my right and Azizi on my left.
With everybody set on their places, Azizi commented before Dilla counted. SATU.
"Johan mesti marah kalau aku amek gambar dgn Raja." DUA. (A/N: Well, Azizi DID said this in real life. On Tuesday actually. Of course not Johan, but 'Johan'.)
"Kenapa nak marah lak?" I said smiling after him. TIGA! SNAP. Suddenly Azizi ran and the pic snapped with me and Izzat smiling, statically.
Izzat and I changed faces. I looked at him, and he looked at me. "The heck Azizi?" I said.
"So sweet tgk korg sekali. Kan kan? Malang nye Raja dah dgn Johan." Azizi had his hands together and then sighed.
"Pffttt... Whatever la Azizi. Dah. Aku kena jumpa cikgu nih. Bye korang :)" I stood up from the chair and waved to all of them. But Izzat looked away from me. What is his problem?
I was walking by myself from the canteen to the hall, but came back with nothing in my hands because none of the food seemed appealing. So, I was climbing the stairs and when I reached the top, my head felt dizzy. No. Damn my anaemia. I fell on the ground.
Izzat's POV
I was walking to the canteen without the boys today because all of them had some sport thing going on at the field. So, as I was walking down the stairs, I saw Raja. She was standing still in the middle of the way. Well, more like stopping and dazing at something, with her hand on the temples of her head. The next thing I know, she collapsed to the ground.
"Raja!" I ran to her when she was about to fall off the stairs. Gladly, I was able to catch her(hugging manner) before she fell backwards, and roll down the stairs. She fainted. Thankfully Hidayah was nearby and heard I shouted her name.
"Raja! Raja!" I kept repeating her name as I held her in my arms.
"What happened?!" Hidayah panicked.
"Ntah.. Tiba-tiba je die pengsan! Nasib dia tak jatuh ke belakang tadi!" I explained.
"Bagi die duduk dulu, kita gi amek kunci bilik kesihatan kat cikgu bertugas." Hidayah said and she ran off to the staff room.
So, I was left at the corridors, with Raja in my hands, feeling lighter than I thought. Did she eat well recently? She does seemed thinner than ever. I guess that's the reason she fainted. Without wasting anymore time, I brought her to the health room with help of the girls from 5PP1.
~health room~
"Sini." Cikgu Fariha ordered me to place Raja on one of the beds.
"Macam mana awak jumpa die pengsan?" The teacher asked me.
"Tadi saya lalu depan PP1, ternampak die. Tetibe je die jatuh. Saya tangkaplah die sebelum die jatuh ke belakang, berguling jatuh tangga." I said, sitting on the bench, while Hidayah in the room, mending with Raja's school veil.
"Nasib baiklah awak ade dekat situ. Kalau tak, parah die." The teacher paused. "Awak berdua jagalah dia dekat sini kejap, saya pegi call klinik kesihatan." We nodded to her. And she went out.
"Izzat." Hidayah called me.
"Yeah?" I looked at her.
"Thanks tau. Nasib ko ade tadi. Kita tak tau ape jadi kalau die jatuh tadi. Ape kita nak bagitau Johan nnt?" Hidayah said.
".......bagitau die. Lain kali suruh Raja makan elok2." I said, indistinctly.
"Apa?" Hidayah didn't hear me.
"Takda pape lah." I replied.
"Hidayah, cikgu Rosnani panggil ko kat tmpt die." Hanin, a classmate of Hidayah came to fetch her.
"Oh ye. Jap. Izzat, ko tggu kt sini eh? Kita ade hal lah." She said to me. I just nod. "Thanks tau!" She said.
I was left alone with knocked out Raja in the health room. I looked at her through the small window. She was lifeless. She was just there, lying, breathing slowly, looking pale and weak. I remember her talking about not having enough blood to her friends when most of them went to donate blood the other day. Anaemia? So, not enough calcium? Should I go buy milk for her?
So, I did. I went to the kooperasi and bought milk for her. Gratefully, there were those individual small milk cartons at the kooperasi today. I also picked up a cream bread that I saw she liked to eat. When I went back to the health room, she was already up.
"Ko ok tak?" I asked her while sitting on the bed side.
"Izzat? Ko buat ape kat sini? Jap, aku kat mana?" She said when she tried to get up.
"Ko tak ingat? Ko pengsan tadi kat depan PP1. Aku bawak ko kat sini." I said when I adjusted her pillow.
"Oh ye ke?" She paused and looked at me.
'N-Nah. Minum. Aku rasa ko tak makan lagi." I gave her the milk and bread.
"Thanks." She took it from my hands and started to take off the plastic wrapped straw off the milk carton.
"Ish.. Apesal susah sgt nih?" She whined silently. I saw her having a hard time, so I offered to open it up.
"Sinilah." I took the straw and ripped it open, and then took the milk carton and poked the straw through the aluminum wrapped hole. I gave back the milk box to her, so she said thanks and started sipping the milk. I'm glad she's fine now. What the hell is Johan thinking? Leaving her in this condition alone.
So, when the government clinic staffs checked her afterwards, she went home early and I went back to class. No one knew I was at the health room, taking care of Raja, except Hazmi, since I told him Raja fainted.
Narrator's POV
After school hours, Izzat went home, with Hazmi tagging along. Hazmi's spending the night at Izzat's house. Just after lunch, both of them went up to Izzat's room and had their Zohor prayers. After finishing their prayers, they turned on Izzat's PlayStation 3 and played some games.
"Dude, can I use your computer? Need to check something." Hazmi asked for permission to use Izzat's wide screen desktop.
"Bukak lah, aku nak mandi dulu." Izzat allowed and he went to the showers, bringing his towel and clothes with him.
"Let's see.. Waa.. Banyak nye file gambar die." Hazmi mumbled by himself.
"Ape nih? File name mcm porn file je. Hehe. Gotcha Izzat." Hazmi clicked on a file named RAZC.
"WHOA. wtf. Izzat. Seriously? A file just of her? And it's pictures! I thought you hated her. We all thought you hated her." said Hazmi shocked when he found out that the file RAZC was a picture file of Aisyah dated since 2010.
"I can't believe this. Shit. This is serious." Hazmi was still scrolling through the pictures, one by one.
"Aaww.. she's cute in this." It was a picture of Aisyah, smiling under the sun, looking at something, at the school sports day.
"Ko buat ape?" said Izzat as he came out of the showers.
"Dude." Hazmi paused. "We seriously need to talk."
To Be Continued.... :D
A/N: I don't know how to end this chapter. I wonder what RAZC meant xD
next chapter --> :DD


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The Boy I Knew
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