I'm in flashback mode. Wait for the story to unveil itself :P
Aisyah's POV
"Do you want to go now?" Johan asked me after stretching."Yeah, the sun's about up now. I've got some work to do later." I said to him."Let's go then." and we started walking to our houses. When we were a few metres away, "Oh yeah, since both of our parents are out, wanna get some lunch later?" Johan asked."Yeah sure. I'll be out by 12 or so." and I went inside my house.
I was climbing up the stairs, like it was all a normal routine for me. Waking up very early in the morning, going jogging with Johan, listening to every interesting story he has up his sleeves. It was so natural. Like nothing ever really happened between us before.
Distraughtly, I was about to go back home, heading outside the school gates, after seeing Johan and Maya walking to the car park together, linking their arms. Maya looked as snobby as ever. She even rolled her evil eyes at me. Johan had a sad look to him. He didn't look at me, but I saw his pitiful face when Maya 'cheerfully' asked if he wanted a chocolate shake or a coffee shake. I guess they're going somewhere again.
As I was outside, I saw Hidayah, Elyza and Adlin together just outside the big gate. I looked at them, trying to fake a smile. But then Hidayah said to me, "I saw everything, Raja. I'm so sorry." She said solemnly and sympathetically. "Don't be. Don't.. be sorry for me.." I started to sob. Quickly she came to me and pulled me to a hug. That made my tears formed a lot faster and fell to the ground. I cried, louder, embarrassing myself in public."Let it out, Raja. Let it all out." Hidayah was hugging me, patting my back softly. "Isk. I- isk. didn't meant to- isk. curse at him before." I sobbed my eyes out."I know you didn't. I know." She patted my back assuringly.
When we broke the hug, I saw Adlin, standing behind Hidayah, wiping her tears off. "I'm sorry. I can't help seeing my friend getting hurt like this." She paused. "Haish that bitch. If I could just whack her in the head. Haish." Adlin growled with her hands forming a small fist."Don't worry, Raja. We'll take care of her for you. We'll take care of her good." Elyza commented with her fist in her other hand."Thanks y-you guys. I don't know what I'll do without you guys." I sobbed weakly.
"Do you want me to take you home?" Hidayah offered. She meant with her license-less motorcycle."No thanks. I just called someone to pick me up." I rejected her offer."Who?" The three girls said in unison.
*honkhonk* The sounds of a car horn just been heard."There he is. Bye, girls. Thanks a lot." I wiped my remaining tears off and hugged them."Good luck, Raja! FIGHTING!" Adlin cheered for me, forming a small fist by her side.
I hopped in the white Persona that just came to pick me up. It was our Juhairi oppa. He adjusted the seat to make me comfortable. "Thanks." I said to him."Your eyes are red. Did something happened?" He asked as he saw my red eyes and started to drive."Nothing big happened." I smiled at him. "So, how's the bakery? Doing fine?" I asked him, trying to change the topic. It's been awhile since I've been to bakery. Oh how I missed the smell of freshly baked bread Juhairi oppa and his co-workers made.
"The bakery's been lonely without you, you know? All of them said they missed your cheery voice when ordering the menu." He answered."I knew you guys can't live without me. HAHA." I chuckled.
"Come on. You don't have to cover up. I know something bad just happened. Tell me, what happened? You can always tell me anything." Juhairi pleaded to tell him the reason behind the red eyes. Sadly oppa, it's about your dear brother."Nothing really happened. REALLY. It's my friend. She just lost someone so important to her." I lied."Fine. If you don't want to tell me. Suit yourself." He snorted.
"Oppa oppa. What have Byunghee oppa been doing? I rarely see him lately." I asked him about Byunghee oppa. Our last encounter was at the park last week, in the evening, playing word quiz in Korean."Ah~ Him. He's been busy with preparations at Pan Pacific. He got promoted by the way. He's the assistant manager of the hotel now." He answered."I see, no wonder I haven't been able to see him. He didn't even call." I nodded my head.
"Why? Miss him?" Juhairi took a turn after a traffic light."Pretty much. Ever since Johan been busy with studies(and apparently with Maya), I couldn't mess with him. Yeah, I was kinda lonely."
"Aww.. our dongsaeng(A/N: Means young sibling) is lonely~ It's lonely is it?" Juhairi said it in a cutesy way and pinched my cheek. "Ouch! That hurt, oppa!" I rubbed my right cheek."Eleh. You do it all the time with Johan. You think I don't know?" He smirked at me. You mean we USED to do it all the time. Yeah, my torture chamber when I get more than 3 wrongs in my Chemistry paper. Now my skin is stretching. Johan's fault.
"You knew?!" I faked a face of bewilderment. "OH NOOO...!" I was being sarcastic."AHAHAHA," He laughed whole heartedly. I smiled.
Cold water was trickling down my back after striping all my clothes off. I wondered how Johan felt during those days. Was he happy without me? I know it has passed. But I just can't help but wonder.
Johan's POV
I'm working hard to get Aisyah's heart back. After all the heartbreaks, I was afraid she won't forgive me for all I did. Those days hanging around with Maya just to get back at Aisyah was pure torture. All she did with me was getting my money. SUPER opposite to Aisyah. Aisyah never asked for anything from me. She's very independent. She's brave enough to be respected. And I respect her. I felt very guilty for what I did to her. It was all so wrong. I shouldn't have done it in the first place.
"Johaannnn can you buy me this? This just came out yesterday and I MUST MUST get it now." Maya cooed, showing me a fashion catalogue. It was a new handbag in pink. A favourite brand of my shopaholic aunt. Apparently, Aisyah is fond of this brand too, though she never buys the original because of the damn price.
"Didn't I bought you a new one last week? Just how many handbags do you plan to keep?" I asked her, sounding annoyed."That was for my parents' dinner. I need this one for my old friend's birthday party this upcoming week. pweeassseee..." She begged."Buy it with your own money. I can only drive you the store." I crossed my arms."..You sure you won't buy me this?" She smugged. "Yeah. Why?" I asked her, releasing my arms from crossing it."I'm pretty sure you don't want this to go to your precious Aisyah." Maya held a picture of me and her, kissing."Don't you dare!" I was infuriated. How the heck did she got a picture of us in that position?!
I just got out from the bakery that night. Angrily, I grasped Aisyah's couple ring and headed to my car. Beside the car, I saw Maya smirking and said, "I knew it's going to happen someday." Without warning I pulled her into my car and drove off like a madman to an empty lake park.
"So, are you really over with her now?" She asked me with her annoying voice. I furiously got out of the car and inhaled the cold air."I'm asking you over here! Are you over ye-" I stopped her yapping by kissing her in the lips. Now that I think about it, that was the nastiest thing I've ever done. I really should have done it even though I was so angry at Aisyah. When I stopped, she pulled me back and responded to the angry kiss. And now I'm stuck with her since then.
"Buy me this bag or this will be rightfully in Aisyah's phone by tonight." She threatened me with the picture. Aisyah would be kill me if she knew. She'd never forgive me. EVER."Fine! Whatever. Just don't send that shit to her!"
Only if I was able to stop Maya, Aisyah wouldn't be in such mess. I'm so sorry, Aisyah. It was all my fault :(
Next chapter --> :DD
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