[fic031] Hairi and Dubu Are COOL People
Author's comment is after u read all of this!HAPPY READING!! ;DD
Adlin's POV
SO, Raja brought her long lost friend to the dance studio we were staying at earlier this morning. He's cute. I kept watching him as he shook hands with the dancing oppas. Raja told us how she first met him and how she found him the next. I was concentrating listening at her story, but then..
"Aisyah! Jom!" That guy called Raja, that cute Hairi guy. My heart fluttered listening to his voice. WHY? what now, heart?!"Jom? To where?" She asked him back as she sat on the floor."No where silly. Let's dance!" He smiled. His smile is melting my heart. He tried pulling Raja off the floor. She won't budge. He looked very close to Raja. Stop it, Hairi, I'm jealous already. =_="How about u, Raja's friend? What's your name, again?" He asked me. HE ASKED ME!"Me?" I pointed at myself."Yes u. *chuckles*" His laugh is so sweet. :)"I'm Adlin. Nice to meet u :)" I smiled seeing his smile."I'm Hairi. Nice to meet u too :)" He waved at me. I waved back."Me? Me? Don't you wanna ask me?" Elyza cut our split second moment."I know who u are. You're, Elyza, the one who left Aisyah alone at the aquarium, right?" Hairi asked Elyza. He made a hating-on-u eye look at Elyza. He's so silly. :D"No, I'm not!" Elyza pouted while crossing her arms."Yes u are. Aisyah showed pictures of the ones who left her. Am I right, Aisyah?" Hairi said. Raja nodded to his question. His voice is soooo awesome. I bet he's a singer! :D"You guys! Come on! Let's start!" Johan called us to the dance floor.
We walked to centre stage together and Junki oppa turned on the music. Youngmi unnie told us to listen to the beat as we make the flow of the dance in our minds. The crew started dancing. Johan did too. Raja catch on pretty quick. I'm so jealous of her. She can do a LOT of things. Things I don't really know how to do myself. Dancing and cooking for instance.
The beat was somewhat catchy and hardcore. Well, u know, HIP HOP. I was like, "What the heck am I supposed to do now? I have NO ideas on what to start with!" The others had already started their moves. I started to panic. What the? Come on start already, Adlin! START!!
"You stuck over there? Here I'll help u. :D" Hairi gave me some moves so that I can start with. Naturally, I danced through out the beat. He was dancing next to me, complimenting each other's dance moves. He's really good. Almost like a pro dancer. COOL :D As the beat ended, we clapped for ourselves. The crew was impressed of what I came up with. Thank you Hairi. If u didn't show me some of your moves, I won't be able to start. Thank you! ;]
Next, the crew showed us a move they wanted us to learn. It's basic steps for hip hop dancing. I didn't want to join at first really. But since Hairi told me to try and learn it, I did. I'm so gullible for good-looking boys. :P Anyway, I tried the dance but failed a few times. Hairi taught me how to hold my pose and change the move in a split second. I became engrossed with the dance tutoring Hairi taught me, I didn't notice the others were gone.---------------------------------------
Aisyah's POV
The crew taught us some basic hip hop moves. Some are familiar to me, and some are not. Adlin was awkward at first. She couldn't flow out the music through her body. So, I told Hairi to help her. Luckily, I sensed Hairi liking the term, "helping her out". Lucky because I know Hairi was hurt that I'm with Johan now and not with him.
Recently, Johan told me that Hairi once threatened him not to be close with me. I understood that. He was just showing how me liked me. I was actually grateful that he actually kept his feelings unchanged for me for years now. Well, what can I do? I always thought he was only my friend, nothing more or less. I couldn't change what I like or love in just a snap of my fingers, can I? So, I'm REALLY hoping that he'll let me go and tag on Adlin. I see she's liking him too :)
It's lunch time and the crew decided to bring us to a halal Korean restaurant around the area. The girls and I were in the car as Johan was discussing the road ways with the crew. While waiting for Johan, I saw Elyza texting someone. She looked busily occupied with the texting. I wonder who was she texting to.
"Yah! Who are u texting to?!" I startled her from the front seat. I was sitting next to the driver's seat by the way."N-NO ONE!" She hid her phone in her bag. Hmm... suspicious."Tell me, is it Mr. Budu?" I gave her a sleazy look."Pffttt.. NO!" She hissed and eyerolled at me. I guess that wasn't the person. Hmm.. Then who else..? Wait. Don't tell me she's texting -- NO. FREAKING. WAY."Are u- .....Are u texting ONEW?!" I shouted aloud with my eyes widened."How the heck did u--" She's caught! SERIOUSLY?! ONEW?!"HAHAHA SO U WERE TEXTING ONEW!! xD" She covered her mouth when I said that."I didn't! I swear!" She waved her hands in front of her."Swearing doesn't make me convinced that u're not texting him! Gimme ur phone! Let me see what u talk about." I start to grab her phone. She pulled it back.
We started a tug war on the phone. Nicky and Adlin didn't want to get hurt by joining our fight, so, they just watched us fight xD Now I'm SERIOUSLY curious of what she talks about with him. Are they secretly dating behind our backs? Behind the other Shawols backs? OMG :O
After a few minutes, Johan hopped in the car and started to drive. Elyza and I already finished fighting, so, the awkwardness of our just finished fight was in the air. Johan sensed it, so he asked me."What did u guys do when I was outside talking with hyungs?""NOTHING :]" Elyza and I said in unison.
Johan drove around 30 minutes and we already getting hungry. All the dancing made us more hungry. I wonder what we'llbe eating at the Korean restaurant. Ooh Korean food reminds me of Hairi's cooking back in Jeju. He made the abalone porridge for me. *GRRR. GRRR* URGH. Thinking about food is making my stomach grumble.
GRRR. GRRR."What. was. that?" Johan asked his passengers."Wasn't me." Adlin answered."Wasn't us too." Elyza and Nicky answered too."My. stomach?" I answered while holding my tummy."HAHAHA Your stomach?! xD" Johan laughed at me."What?! I'm hungry already! I accidentally thought of abalone porridge!" I blurted out my thoughts earlier."Accidentally thought.. Aisyah, stop making me laugh! I'm driving! xD" Johan was trying his best to keep his focus on the road."I'm not making you laugh! Seriously! I was thinking our menu and I accidentally thought of Hairi's abalone porridge." I blurted Hairi's name in front of Johan. His expression changed. HAHA jealous.
"Hairi cooks?" Adlin asked me. Oh yeah, I'm getting Hairi and Adlin together, right?"Yeah, he cooks! and he's a GREAT one I have to say." I turned my back and looked at Adlin, looking excited."Unlike someone I know." I continued while eyerolling and facing back to the front.GRRR. GRRR" URGH. Shut up. I'll give u food when we arrive got it?" I told my stomach to shut up."Hahaha like that's going to make your stomach stop growling.""......." No grumbling sounds of my stomach any more. HAHA In your face, Johan! xD"Wait. What did I just hear? Oh yeah, that's the silence of my obedient stomach. xD" I said sarcastically. Johan eyerolled at me. The girls laughed at us. :D
We arrived at the restaurant after 45 minutes on the road. We already settled down on a long table while sitting on the floor, like in the Jeju restaurant, .......where the ugly scene of the pervert Johan, making his move on me. Eew. Why did I have to remind myself about that? =___= Anyway, we were given the menu and we already ordered our meals.

So, while we were waiting for Elyza to come back from washing her hands at the back of the restaurant, I sneak her phone out of her bag and read the conversation between her and "Dubu <3" That's what she saved his name in her phone? OMG so cheesy xD Well, I was cheesy too. Calling Johan a prince. urgh. Why did I even do that? =__= ANYWAY, the conversation was as follows,
Annyeong~ What are u doing now?Blabbering incoherent languages. What are u doing, oppa?You were bored, weren't u? I was just finished my vocal training.Ooh.. Did it go well? Your vocal training? and Yes, I was bored. Luckily, u texted :DYes, my vocal training was going well. Jonghyun's vocal cord wasn't well. He had to skip today's training. Poor him. Aww... He's such a sweet leader. :DHmm.. The weather is getting hotter. Be careful not to get a fever :]I will ^_^
The next day's chat were as follows,Are u busy right now oppa?No, I just finished discussing a lyrics meeting for my upcoming solo song. I bet u're going to love this song. I made it base on us. ^_^vREALLY?! Waahhhh.. Thank you! :D What's the song's about?If I tell u now, it won't be a surprise. Kindly wait like the other Shawols okay?Okay oppa :]Now I have to go, we(SHINee) have an event to go to and I need to shower. Chat with u later :]Happy performing! SHINee FIGHTING! ^_^v
And today's chat were,Oppa, I just went to a dance studio today, and I was wondering what ur new dance studio was like, mine was like this. She sent a picture to Onew. A picture of the dance studio.
Waahh~! It was ur first time was it? Ours was like this. Was the dancing fun? Onew sent a picture of his dance studio.
It was VERY fun! I get to freestyle dance and I also learnt the basics for hip hop dancing!
I had to skip a few messages because it was all cheesy and couple like talks, but this caught my eye,I'm out of ideas on what to write for my song. Give me inspiration.Ramyeon.What? xD Ramyeon? Why ramyeon?Because Ramyeon is everybody's favourite and it goes soggy when nobody eats it or eaten late.Oh, I GOT IT! I have to eat my ramyeon before somebody else eats it! Meaning, I need to grab you before somebody else get you! THANK YOU!You're welcome. Good luck finding the right words!A song about ramyeon......OH. KAY. O.o
I saw Elyza coming out of the washing room, so, I quickly put in the phone back in its original place. HAHA Ramyeon song. Jessica had a Naengmyun(Cold Noodles) song and Onew is making a Ramyeon song. This makes me laugh like a crazy person. xD
To Be Continued.... :DDDA/N: SEE?! I FINISHED! PLEASE 'like' this and comment below!! ^_^v ( actual time finished = 0330 hours)next chapter----> :DD
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