Sunday 12 June 2011

[fic018] Awesome First Vacation-day..

so, I went to my mom's home town TWICE in these two weeks of school holiday.. and I actually just got back from Segamat+Muar yesterday.. and AGAIN ideas flow in like waterfall when I'm particularly away from the computer.. THANKFULLY! I have my phone to draft it down.. SO!

I was washing my hands and I heard laughter from the living area... hmm that sounds like Key.. is that Key oppa? I walked out of the bathroom only to find SHINee members crawling around in the bed and lying on the floor..

"what are you guys doing?"
"oh Aisyah! u're out.. come on let's go.."
Jonghyun said standing up from lying..
"go where?" I said putting down my hand drying towel..
"just somewhere... come on!"
"uff!" Jonghyun pulled my hands..

*outside the hotel*
"oppaa~ where are we going?"
"just follow.. :)"
"we're not going anywhere scary are we?"
I said getting scared already..
"no.. we're not going anywhere scary early in the morning..
don't worry, we're here already.."
Jonghyun said in confidence as he pulls me up by a step..

and here we are at a wooden rail(?) near the Han river..
I looked down in the waters..
"look up Aisyah.. :D" Jonghyun said tapping my shoulder..
so, I looked up and I saw,
"ooo... stars.. they're still here? waaahh.." I said in awe..
"yeah.. there are still here.. :D"
"I didn't know Seoul can't get a good view of the stars!
waaa.. amazing! and they're so shiny too!"
"yes, like me.. coz I'm so bling bling.. :D"
"yeah right.. xDD"
"haha seriously!" he exclaimed..
"oh look2! those two bright stars are next
to each other like couples!"
I said pointing at the dark sky..
"like us?" Jonghyun said while turning his back to the waters..
I was shocked to hear him say that and laid my head low..

"come on.. let's go.." he pulls my hand away from the rail..
"where are we going now?" I complained..
"we are going to visit Dongdaemun(DDM).."
he's still holding my hand.....!

"I bet it's empty.." I said behind him..
"what if it's full?" he said in a betting tone, smirkingly..
"if it's full, I'll pay for a minimum of 3000won
for anything.. you(oppa) will do the same if it's not full.."
"okay.. that's a deal!" he said tilting his head..

and we walked for about 5 mins from the podium..
"are you cold?" Jonghyun asked in a soft tone..
"a bit yeah.." I was FREEZING!
*he placed his jacket over my shoulders*
"thanks, but aren't you going to be cold, oppa?"
"I'm fine.. besides.. it's actually warm tonight..
u're not used to Seoul weather yet.."
and we continued walking..

as we arrived to Dongdaemun,
aaaannndddd who was right?
"haha I WAS RIGHT! DDM IS EMPTY! pay up pay up!!"
"okay2 you win.. =o= want do u want?"
Jonghyun oppa said while pulling his wallet from
the back of his jeans..
"hmm... let's see what's up for grabs.."
amazingly there were people at stands,
barely sleeping and waiting for whhatt...? IDK..=o=''

"how about this?" I said as I saw a cute hair band
in a hair accessories stall..
"ahjumma how much is this?" Jonghyun oppa asked..
"that's 5000won.." the ahjumma said..
I heard it and placed it back down..

"hmm.. how about this ear pieces Aisyah?"
Jonghyun showed me ear stud pieces set..
the ear studs were in random characters..
from handbags to shoes..
"I don't wear earrings and such..
I don't have any earlobe holes u see.."
I showed him my ear..
"hmm.... then hairpins?" he suggested
and surveyed at some..
"how about this?" I showed him a hairpin I like.
"oo... this looks nice :D" Jonghyun said..
he took the pin and placed it at the side of my head..
"wahh looks good on u! how much is this ahjumma?"
"oh that? that's 3200won.."
he looked at me and said back at ahjumma..
"can't u give a discount? it's my girlfriend's birthday today.."
I was like, WHAT?! GIRLFRIEND?! and looked at him..
"oh come on ahjumma.. 3000won, okay?"
"hmm.. okay2" the ahjumma finally agreed..
"yay! I hope ur stall sells lots!" he said excitedly..
"haha I hope so too since I lost 200won.."
"eii.. ahjumma.. don't worry u will sell well.. :)"

well, I got my hair pin.. after a bit of ddeokbokki visit, we walked back to the hotel.. when we arrived at the hotel, it was about 6 in the morning and SHINee oppas went back to their room.. I went to my room and Jonghyun said, "make sure u wear it to Jeju later :)" I ensured him I will wear it.. and went to sleep for a bit..

By 8 in the morning, everyone got ready and packed up for Jeju.. after we sent the room keys to the receptionist, we load up our bags in the van.. In the van, Key was complaining for not getting breakfast first before going.. the manager kept saying "there will be food on board.. don't worry too much about ur stomach!" we all laughed at Key oppa.. haha poor Key oppa..

as we arrived at the airport, I wore the hairpin Jonghyun bought me about 3 hours before.. I was facing a black-reflecting-glass-advert board.. and Dilla came to me and asked me,

"ooo.. bile ko beli nih? lawa2.."
"hehe.. tdi..;P"
"tadi? oh.. maksod ko mse Jjong tarik ko kluar tu?"
she chuckled..
"a'ah.. haha.. he lost a bet.. so, he bought me this :)"
"what bet?" Dilla asked while sipping her warm milo..
"bet, Dongdaemun penuh ke x..
aq ckp xpenuh.. ye la pepagi nih..
manusia mne yg gi shopping kul 5 pgi?
buang tebiat ape? xD" I said while patting my hair pin..
"pastu?" Dilla asked some more..
"die kta DDM penuh pepagi.. so, buat la bet tu..
kne belanja 3000won.. since he lost, I got this :)"
"and speaking of the devil.. "
Dilla said as Jjong came near us..

"hey, u're wearing it! it matches u so much!"
he said being proud of his good use of money..
"yes it does.. thank you oppa.. :D"
"you're welcome :)"
he said while touching the pin and caressing my hair..
aahhh... I'm so happy... :)
"cha! let's go..! manager hyung called already..:)"


Johan POV

she didn't even notice me even though I was close behind her! and what's with the hairpin thingy? hmm... I'm supposed to give her MY item first! seriously....! I HAVE to get her to see me! or she'll get caught in another love line.. after Hairi's case, I bet Jonghyun's gonna be the same... well, I hope not.. I made plans already! I can't let just anybody ruin it!

"Johan jom!" my bro calling me..
"coming.." I said dragging my bag behind me..

*on board*
ahh my plane seat is far away from hers.. what should I do now? Aisyah is for sure going to sit next to Jonghyun just like last time.. oh man!


Aisyah POV
*on board*
I just saw Johan passing next to me.. he kinda looks gloomy... I wonder why.. ahh.. only if he sits near us again.. I felt my shoulder was tapped and I turned my head to see who it was.. Auntie Zima?
"hi.. having fun? :)"
"haha auntie! fun? not yet! where are u sitting?"
"at the back, honey.."
"hmm.. that's a pity.. I could've chat with u.."
"it's okay.. we'll meet in Jeju anyway.. :D
I'll go first kay Aisyah?"
"oh okay.. :)"

My seat was the same like before.. I'm in the middle of Dilla and Jonghyun.. :D Key was supposed to sit next to me before, but Jonghyun pushed him away and sat next to me.. the journey was ....quiet. most of us slept and I had nothing to do but listen to my mp3 player and sleep also..


Jonghyun POV

oh good she's sleeping.. let me take a few shots of her while we're waiting to arrive..
*chalkak(Korean sound of camera shutters)*
hehehe this is sooo going to be the best blackmail ever....! >:D

hmm.. her face is so peaceful while sleeping.. I wonder what song she's listening to..
*placing ear next to Aisyah's*
ooo.. it's my solo singing in a radio show.. such a fangirl.. a nice one too :D

*sound of plastic scrunching in jacket*
eh? what's this? oh... the hair band she wanted.. when should I give it to her? the price is off the deal we made before, but, she wanted it, so I bought it... dinner? should I give her by dinner tonight? no no.. that'll be too awkward.. suddenly giving her the hair band... I guess I need to find some time alone with her again today :)) I'll try and make up excuses to get her to follow me alone..... Dilla? should I ask for her help? well, see.. :)


Aisyah POV
*plane landed*

FINALLY we're in Jeju! like before, we board off the plane and walked to the gate.. swarms of fans coming to SHINee.. and Jonghyun was REALLY holding on me tight.. camera shutters won't stop! fans screaming SHINee names and throwing soft gifts(plushies) at us.. like SHINee's going to pick it all up girls....! I looked back and this time Dilla was accompanied by Taemin.. Good job Taem! u're going to get popular too! like Jonghyun did.. =o=

We board on a van, (this time, it's bigger!) and went off to a hotel named Ramada Plaza Hotel near Jungmun beach.. as we arrived at the hotel, the lobby was HUGE! when we got in our rooms, they're even HUMONGOUS! Dilla & I's room was a golden suite.. even though we're not that many.. I mean TWO people! sharing this kind of room is just amazing.. the manager said it's for our comfort.. well, that's nice of them and lucky of us! ^__^

SHINee's room was a bit far from us even though the rooms was on the same floor.. theirs was presidential suite which fits ALL of them including the manager....! I mean SIX people!! they have two King sized beds.. so, it makes perfect sense if the room fits six people.. their room also had a piano.. :O

our rooms had kitchens, a living area, personal computer and other things to accompany the room's price.. which I think costs much much more than our plane tickets going back and forth..!

When I saw all the features of my room, it suddenly made me think of Johan's family.. luxury.. I kinda wonder where they are right now.. hmmm... :/

anyway, it was still morning and we've already had our breakfast on the plane.. we grouped together in SHINee's room and all of us decided to go to the beach... u know to spare time before lunch.. so Dilla and I went back to our room to change to our beach clothes.. which we prepared.... a bit.. :P

Key told us to group together at the lobby with all of the things needed.. u know things like, umbrellas, mats, beach ball, towels, sunscreen, hats.. all of those things.. Dilla & I brought crackers, hats, sunscreen and towel already.. and SHINee brought the umbrellas, mats, beach ball and a bit of fruit for snacks.. all of us met at the lobby just as promised and we head off.. manager oppa was the only one left at the hotel.. getting our lunch preparations, prepped up.. Key oppa said we're going to have barbecue by the beach.. "in the middle of the day?!" I said shocked.. "there are covered place for us to eat and rest u know.." Key oppa explained calmly..

so all of us were already at the beach.. noon wasn't as hot as I thought.. Onew oppa said it's because it rained last night.. so, the beach is pretty wet.. Dilla and I were going to set up the umbrellas by the seaside.. but only to find there were rest chairs ready by the beach prepared by the hotel.. Onew oppa said to set the umbrellas up.. it'll be easier if all of us sat under the same umbrella unlike the double seater rest chairs.. so, we set it up.. we placed the mats and sat down, watching Taemin oppa playing the beach ball by the waters.. Key oppa came by a bit late coz he went to get three big bottles of water which he came holding in his hands a bit later.. Jonghyun oppa helped Minho oppa with a big box of ice cooler which contained soda cans and fruits.. In a different cooler, manager oppa and a hotel employee brought seafood and other halal side dishes.. since we couldn't eat meat that easily, they were being concerned of our food.. that was kind of them :) two other hotel employees brought over the barbecue oven(?)and some charcoal to make as fire..

when they finished positioning the cooler and barbecue set, Jonghyun sat down beside me.. looking at the sea.. he turns his head towards me and said,

"why are you wearing long trousers on the beach?"
"why? is it wrong for me to wear like this?"
"yes.. because the we're here to enjoy the sun.."
"well, I had enough 'sun' in my country,
so I'm protecting my skin from getting more.."
I said back as I turn my head..
"hmm.. excuses.." he said rolling his eyes..
"heok? excuses? then u(oppa) want to hear
another reason why I don't wear shorts?"
"hmm*nod nod*.. try me.." he said confidently..
"it's because I don't want to show my legs
unlike u, with ur curly leg hairs..
I thought idols wax it off.. hahaxD" I teased Jonghyun..
"y-yah.. we do wax it off! it's just been awhile
since my visit to the waxing place..!"
"yeah right oppa.." I said sarcastically..

"a-anyway! where's the hairpin I gave u?(!)"
as he looked for it on my head..
"I didn't want it to drift away in the sea,
so I left it in the room.. :]" pointing my thumb to my back..
"smart thinking.. did u bring ur phone and such?"
"yes I did.. all of those are in here.."
showing him my bag..
"can I put my phone in ur bag also?
I don't want to lose it to the sea too.."
"sure.." I said..
I took a glance at his phone..
and pulled it from his hands to look at
the wallpaper better..

it was a picture of me! SLEEPING!!
"OPPA!! *look at Jjong* delete it!! delete it!!!"
I screamed trying to take the phone away from him..
"NOO!! this is my prized possession!!
I'm not gonna let u delete it!"
he snapped it away from me..
"what prized possession...?! It's MY face!!
I have every right to take it away from u!!"
"NOO!!" and he ran for it..
what did I do? I ran after him lah....!
I shouted while chasing after him..


Johan POV

Once again, she doesn't even notice me that I'm here looking at her.. having fun are u....? with that 'bling bling star'... =.= damn I'm jealous.. I get jealous, I lose! NO! I'm not a loser! I'll get her back! for surely....!!

"Johann..." my mom called me..
"ye maa.." I answered slowly..
"tengok ape tuu? skodeng Aisyah ehh??"
she said giving me a sleazy look..
"ish ma ni.. mana ade.. tengok2 kn je la..
takut2 die jatuh ke ape.."
"duduk je la sini mkan buah papa kamu bwkkn nih..
she's going to be fine.. ade 6 org da jaga die.. xde ape pny lah.."
"sure je mama nih.."
I said as I put a small piece of kiwi in my mouth..
"ape yg kamu risau kn?"
"xde.. takut2 dorg buat ape2 kt Aisyah.."
"xkan lah! Aisyah & Dilla kn peminat dorg..
xkan nk buat ape2 kot..
jgn risau lah.. Aisyah tu berani org nye..
selamat pny lah.." she said so simply..
well, she doesn't know what another
guy had said before.. hmm..
"ye lah.. ye lah.." I gave up.. somehow I can't speak any longer
about Aisyah being in the hands of those guys..=o=


Aisyah POV

After 15 mins of running and chasing Jonghyun, I gave up.. It was too tiring chasing the shorty who was the fastest runner among SHINee members.. I plopped/knelt on the sand before even reaching the umbrella.. Jonghyun was of coz ahead of me, looked back and walked towards me..

"tired?" he asked..
"of coz I'm tired!" I gave a weird look at him..
"fine2.. don't be mad at me.."
"I should be mad at u!
u took my a pic of me without permission!"
I said pointing at his face..
"fine.. can I have this picture of u Aisyah-nim?"
(nim is a respectful pun which is usually placed after
the name of older people or people with higher level than us)
"no u can't!" I said almost crying..
"aaisshh don't cry.. here.."
Jonghyun gave me the teddy bear hair band
I wanted before..
"oh? what's this?" I asked while taking it..
"the hair band u wanted before..
the price was off the deal, but,
it looks way nicer on u, so I bought it.."
"t-thanks..." I said shyly
"now.. come on.. get on my back..
I'll delete the pic when we get to the umbrella.."
I got up and hesitated to get on his back..
"what are u doing? come on.. get on..."
he said to me..
"b-but I'm heavy... REALLY heavy.."
"It's okay.. I'll endure it!" he said
already crouched down to 'receive' me
"haha.. u sure?" I asked him before he
makes the biggest mistake of his life..
"yes! now get on!"
I did like he said.. and he went,
"u're not that heavy as I thought.."
"don't lie, u liar.." I said softly..
"u're not that heavy! seriously!"
"LIAR!" I kicked my feet to the air..
"y-yah! don't! u'll fall....!"
and he teased to make me fall..
"Oppa! no!"
"muahahaha...! >:D"
"evil dino...." =o=

and we continued like that until we reached the umbrella which we got teased by the other members and Dilla too who was busy barbecuing the seafood without us.. I got off and drank some water.. Jonghyun sat next to me and did the same.. the seafood didn't take long to cook on the barbecue oven, so we ate, shared stories and laughed a lot... this is one awesome lunch! :D

Later after lunch, Key oppa and us girls cleaned up.. Key oppa asked if Dilla & I have brought any formal dress for tonight's dinner.. I then said,

"no.. we don't.. will there be a formal dinner tonight?"
"yes there will.. and other SM artists are going to be here.."
Key oppa answered while picking up
the plastic cups into the black trash plastic..
"oh really? when will they arrive here?"
"by this evening....? I'm not sure myself.."
"then what do we do?
we don't have any formal dress.."
I said while slumping my shoulders..
"we'll have to buy them then!"
Key oppa straightened his back..
"a new one?! I won't be wearing them
any longer after today!"
"then, u want to rent it? it's fine by me.."
"okay.. :)"

and so the afternoon went on with all of us resting and playing around in SHINee's room... since the room has a piano and Minho oppa brought PS2 over.. so, we weren't that bored.. Afterwards, Dilla & I have to go shopping with Key oppa to rent a dress for each of us.. I hope the store have the right size for me.. :D

To Be Continued.... :DDD
P/S: was this considered long? I don't know.. :P
next chapter -----> :DD
please 'like' this and my Clouds Above page at fb! ^0^

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