Sunday 28 February 2010

Shutting ME up? YOU SHUT UP!

I had night class at school on 28/2/2012, we were studying Physics. Pn. Asyida was the teacher. While we were discussing on one of the questions, Razzaq asked something about what's the difference of loudness and pitch. So, I explained it to him. If you didn't know, Razzaq sat a bit farther than me. Skip a desk and some space between us. SHEdevil sat behind Razzaq, 'doing' her paper of questions, whereas me and Razzaq finished ours, when everybody actually supposed to stop doing the paper.

As I was explaining to him, SHEdevil suddenly spoke up, "Diamlah Raja." rather loudly. Even the teacher heard it. Well, of course she(teacher) knew I was explaining to Razzaq, but super rude much? Dah lah keje lambat siap, paham pon tidak. Cikgu tgh terangkn sume bende, die buat keje sendiri. Bile die baru sampai kt soalan yg cikgu baru terangkan 3-5min lepas tu, die gi tanya balik kt cikgu. Aku tahu cikgu pon bengkek je kt ko. Orang lain(bdak kelas) pon annoyed ngan ko tahu tak?!

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