Wednesday, 20 February 2013

This or That?! Beauty TAG

I'm doing this because one of my loyal readers told me it'd be fun. so I did.


Blush or bronzer?

Lip gloss or lipstick?

Eye liner or mascara?
BOTH, when girly... Eyeliner when casual..

Foundation or concealer?
DEFINITELY concealer. I hate when foundations cakes up ma face.

Neutral or colored eye shadows?
I'm always neutral.. hehe

Pressed or loose eye shadows?
Loose is more natural looking :)

Brushes or sponges?
Brushes. It spreads more smoothly than DAMPING my face with a sponge.


OPI or China Glaze?
China Glaze looks 'braver'. Never tried, but knows how the colours turned out.

Long or short?
MEDIUM. I hate having too long nails, or too short nails. It'll make me feel dirty and finger-ey.

Flower or no flower?
U mean decos? ABSTRACT ROCKS!


Perfume or body splash?
I use body splash. But I prefer perfumes better. It smells more elegant that way xD

Lotion or body butter?
LOTION, but I don't really like putting any, anyway.

Body wash or soap?
To feel perfumey, I use body wash. To feel CLEAN, I use soap.

Lush or other bath company?
I'm a loyal, cheap drug store buyer.. Guardian's bath cleansing items are my choice :)


Jeans or sweatpants?

Long sleeved or short sleeved?

Dresses or skirts?
None. I'm so wrapped up in two long tubes, not one large flowy thing to my feet :p

Stripes or plaid?
PLAID! I can NEVER wear stripes. It'd make me look weird.

Flip flops or sandals?
Sandals! Casual yet, comfortable :)

Scarves or hats?
Scarves :)

Studs or dangle earrings?
Studs. but earrings sounds soo........hmm.

Necklace or bracelets?
BOTH! I love accessories :)

Heels or flats?
HEELS. I adore them, but cant always wear them. SUCKS.

Cowboy boots or riding boots?
Riding boots with HEELS.

Jacket or hoodie?
Hoodie. Jackets makes me feel like a potato.

Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe?
Forever 21.


Curly or straight?
Straight with a curl in the bottom :D

Bun or ponytail?
Bun! I soo love breads *krik krik*

Bobby pins or butterfly clips?
I'm so geeky with butterfly clips, so I choose butterfly clips. haha

Hairspray or gel?
What am I? A hairstylist? Come on, natural all the way xD

Long or short?
I extremely adore long hair. but currently have short hair *sad*

Dark or light coloured hair?
I have light, dark coloured hair. Almost very very dark amber, but very light brown.

Side sweep bangs or full bangs?
Side sweep bangs are cute, but I never had one .__.

Up or down?
UP. I hate my hair flying in the wind, catching my nose and disrupting my respiratory process. Or covering my ear, tarnishing my already bad hearing.


Rain or shine?
RAIN. Jung Jihoon, I still love you even if you have a gf already :')

Summer or winter?
Winter! Ready for cuddles, everybody!

Fall or spring?
Fall! Yeah the wind and heavy rain sucks, but I like it :D

Chocolate or vanilla?
Chocolate for cakes and cookies, vanilla is a must for ice creams!

East coast, or west coast?
West coast. When you get to a beach, you'd want to see the sun sets.. not rise :p

Tag to Si Budak Kimchi :)


Budak Kimchi said...

Jaket buat kau rasa macam potato? Macam mana rasanya?

Aisyah Zahira said...

Macam ni.

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