aah yes.... as u can read above.. it's my class for 2011...
i'm not sure how it will turn out.. it has only been a week since we've started schooling again~
so.. hopefully this year would be more exciting and more fun than before or just as before! ^0^
most of my friends aren't in the same class as me..
yeah, i'm fine.. it's not like i'm following them for the rest of my life(vice versa) =.=''
but still, i’m SOOO LONELY!!! most of them ended up being in 4 ST 1…
(HAHAXD and i don’t even dream of being in THEIR class*SEMPIT like in a sardine can!!!
hmm… oh well, tough luck i guess:( study harder next time and show them u are better than them Aisyah!! FIGHTING!!