SO, I finished watching Triple last week, (I watched it at Maaduu) and I'm still mesmerized by Song Joongki's cute character

Ji PoongHo is his name in Triple
As always, I get dreams that connects to my past activity.. this almost sounds like a fanfic,NO, a drama, so, yeah, a drama as a dream

Then, the winner is annouced, Sumi unnie won 2nd place.. The 1st place goes to her childhood rival, Yang Hyejin.. Then we got out of the rink hall(?)(walked together with Sumi unnie+ her friend), outside, Poongho was waiting.. I asked, "Oh? Aren't u going home?" He replied,"Ne? yeahh.. I'm going with u" "With me? Where's ur house?" "........around*twirling his finger*....... ur house*points at me*..?" "Then where is my house?" "....around here? hehe*dorky smile*" "hmmm.... Just go. It's cold out here.." "Ne....*looking down*" Suddenly Hyejin jumped out of nowhere, "Opp-pa! Where are u going? Aren't u coming to my house? I'm having a dinner party for my win today~*wraps her arm to his'+yucky aegyo*" We (Mina,Sumi,Sumi's friend,Me) glared at her.. She merong-ed (sticks tongue out) at us.. Then when we decided to go already, Poongho stopped us and said,"Wait!*to us* Hyejin u go with him(rude guy*pushes rude guy*), I'm going with them*to Hyejin*" I said, "WHAT?! no! u go with her.. We're going back to Incheon" *Sumi unnie interrupted*, "No, u guys are staying with me tonight.." Us(Mina+me), "..but..but.. We didn't bring our clothes" Sumi unnie,"It's okay, u can use mine..u're about my size right? It's okay, besides it's getting dark.. It's dangerous to go back alone, plus, u're girls," Poongho interrupts, "Yeah it's dangerous.. Don't u guys watch the news? Girls are being kidnapped and raped around Incheon...
wwwhuuu~~ *making scary sounds* hehehe*side merong*" Me,"*to Poongho* y-yaahh!! don't do that!
thinking about it gives me goosebumps." Sumi unnie,"If that so, U girls sleep at my house tonight kay? U can take the train tomorrow morning" Us,"*weak* ne~~
" We're stepping in unnie's car, Poongho ran to my window, "Aisyah ya~ wait for me okay? *making an '6(G.O.O.D Luv)' with his hand*" Me,"*thinking* what's with him?
" Then unnie took off, He ran a bit*aftering the car* and waved from behind


*WARNING!! this story maybe long and boring so, don't read it if u don't want to, I slept in so it supposed to be long and boring + all the dialogues are actually in Korean,meaning *I/we spoke in Korean(or what I dreamt it is
) so, I'm not sure how to translate it well in an English manner + THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REALITY!!*

I was staying with my friend(?), Kang Mina, in Incheon(airport city in S.Korea, a lot like here in Sepang), she said we're going to visit her sister's college, in Seoul. I just said "okay, when are we going?" She replied "*aegyo manner* tomorrooowww..
" so the next morning, we woke up early, packed warm things(scarfs, sweaters,tea~ it's cold u know
), and took off.. We got on a morning train.. the train was packed since it's a weekday, everybody rebut seats.. We had to give up ours for the elders~ We arrived with aching legs and started walking to the college gate.. It was open for the public(?) so, we simply walked in.. I followed Mina while taking off my gloves.. The wind was quite strong, so it blew off, out of my hand.. Then, the glove landed on a guy's lap..

He was the most beautiful thing I saw!!
He was reading a book, I didn't want to disturb him so, I sneakily took it, suddenly he grabbed my hand and glared at my shocked face. It felt like my heart's going to drop. then I gathered the courage to speak up, then I said, "Sorry, I was just getting my glove.." He looked at my hand (holding the glove) he looked at me, then let go... then he continues reading.. as I walked away, I dusted off my glove and said to myself "Well, that was rude, not even a single smile
" while dusting I was looking down, walking without looking up, I bumped into another handsome guy(Joongki!!
) the glove dropped again, then he picked it up and gave it to me, this time with a smile! I was speechless, yet I tried to say thanks, but it ended up gibberish... then he pats my head and smiled sweetly.. it was the sweetest smile I've ever seen!
he walked away, I stood there like a statue. then, Mina called me.. I immediately snapped out of it and ran to her.. her sister+her sister's friend was there and greeted me warmly.. they brought us to a skating rink.. Mina's sister is a figure skater, she was having a figure skating competition, so, she invited us to come and watch her perform.. Her sister went off to get ready, Mina then pulled me to the seats her sister reserved for us...

I sat, then started gulping some water while turning my head around the place, then I saw the rude guy I saw earlier, sitting two seats next to me! I chuckled the water that I was drinking.. then he looked at me *more to glaring at me
* then I looked away, and said to myself, "Did he saw me? aaaahhh.. so embarrassing!" he looked away and drank coffee while crossing his legs. he looked so chic yet rude(effects of what he did to me).. (rude chic?) anywho, Mina asked me, "What's wrong?" I said "The rude guy is sitting next to us," "What rude guy?" ".....nothing~" then it's Mina's sister's turn.. then a guy walked in front of us, I folded my leg so he could walk then he stop right in front of me, I looked up, then he said. "Oh! We met again?*smiles*" Me,"*blink blink*....ummm..*nods*" He sat while biting a piece of bread, the rude guy asked him, "She's ur friend?" Sweet smile guy looked at me and said a sweet "Yeah*smiles*".. Then we(Mina+I) chanted "Sumi Unnie FI~GHTING! Sumi Unnie FI~GHTING!
" (Mina's sister's name is Kang Sumi btw

Then sweet smile guy suddenly asked me during the performance, "Do u know her?" I said, "Yeah I know her.. She's my friend's sister " "Oh really? Then what's ur name?" "Her name is Kim...." "Yeah, YOU *looking at me straight in the eyes*," "I'm..... Aisyah
" "Nice to meet u *smiling sweetly AGAIN!*(offering hand to shake)" "........Ne... Nice to meet u too...
(shakes hand*shyly*)" "Ah! I'm PoongHo, ..Ji.. Poong.. Ho..(speak one by one*smiles*), ur not Korean right?" "Yeah, i'm Malaysian actually" "aaahh... really? coool~ *smiles*" while we were talking, the rude guy sneakily looked at us.. then I asked Poongho, "Poongho sshi, sorry, but who's the guy next to you? Is he ur friend?" He answered "Yeah, he is. Why? Interested? *smirks*" "Ah! *geleng2*no! just curious..
" Mina then took my attention again, she screams "Gwaenchana*it's okay*! Gwaenchana!" (usually Koreans say that when someone made a mistake in front of people) then I looked at the rink, it was Sumi unnie's friend, she also took part in the competition.. she fell when doing a jump.. I followed too, "Gwaenchana! Gwaenchana!" then she got out of the rink after she finishes her performance.. Poongho oppa then asked me again, "You know her?" "Yeah, she's a friend of Sumi unnie, we met before.." "aaahhh...*nods*(cute aahhh~

After dinner, I lepak at the yard, then Mina comes and sit next to me asking, "Yah, the guy who's been following u, how did u know him? U haven't been in Korea for long and u already got a fan? Amazing~" Me, "What fan? he's just a guy i met, who sat next to me earlier," "then why did he get so comfortable around u? For surely he likes u," "Y-YAH! What like?*denying* He's....... I dunno... aaahh...!! Mollaa~ mollaaa~~
" "Are u sure? u sure?
*bugging me*" Me, "LALALALALALALA~~*sticking fingers to ears* LALALALA~~*Mina stops bugging me* *I stop, look at Mina and smile secretly*

Next morning, I opened up the sliding door (exposing the yard+entrance), stretched and yawned a bit.. Suddenly a voice spoke up,"Aaiiyyooo, even when u're stretching u're pretty," I looked around and I saw Poongho on top of the stone fence.. I said,"Yah! how did u got up there? It's high!" Poongho,"I'm taller than u think okay?" Me, ".......... anyway, just get down from there! It's dangerous!" Poongho, "*gets down from the fence, came to me*oohhh... Am i feeling well or not? *putting hand on his forehead and mine* or did I just heard our Aisyah became concern of me? wwwhooooo...." Me, "Y-yah! .....what 'our' Aisyah....?! I'm.... not yours...
" Poongho, "Ooh, u will be.. hehehe... ah! Let's go jogging.. It's good to jog in the morning.. KAJA~!! *pulling me* come on, let's go!" Me, "Yah! What's with u? I'm going home after breakfast, remember?!" Poongho, "Don't worry, I'll send u home later, KAJA~!!*still pulling me*" Me, "Yah!! YAH!! *restraining*"

Sumi unnie was in the kitchen, so, she saw what happened to me.. Mina came out of her room and asked where'd I gone to *while getting water*.. Sumi unnie said, "Oh, her? *Mina drinking water* she went for a jog with her boyfriend," Mina, "*chuckled water* WHAT?!"

so~~ how was it? is it fun or what? I'm guessing you already forgot 'rude guy'? try to know him next time! hahaha
hope u'll follow the 2nd part, like I said, I slept in, so... It's a LLLOOOOOONNNGGGGG dream.. hahaha
hope u had fun reading~ please follow+wait for the 2nd part okay?