ouhh.. kteorg bru balik dari Cameron Highlands ahad kelmarin.. MACAM2 bnde jadii..:D aq ske sgt school trip nih! hehehe:) firstly, sbb dpat pegi ngn my freaks(Dayah+Nicky+Elyza):D... secondly, dpat tease dayah>:D... thirdly, udara nyaman.. forthly, dapat pegi mcm2 tmpat trmasuk strawberry farm, bee farm, tea farm, dan segala mcm 'farm' lah! FIFTHLY!! aq xtau pon 'G.O' ikot skali.. so, i got to see him/watch him/'talk' to him/wave at him/and whatever connected to him lah! :D happy giler dpat buat their so-called "dare".. ahahah:D just wave and say hi to him, it's not that hard IF he doesn't know that u like him... so... ahahah:D it's not a dare.. BUT! if u make me wave + say hi to 'MIR', well that's a DARE!!! huh.. no guts to do that whatsoever... =.='' he might hate me MORE!!
STAR@ the 'talk' to G.O= he said "banyak borong..*smiling*" at ME!!! [i was choosing cactuses for my ummi:) ] and at that moment, none of his friends are nearby.. so, we(Elyza+Me) thought he came on purpose.. *giggling:))))* *5 mins later* *still giggling:))* ahahah:D but reaction of elyza + dayah was so obvious! urghh.. dorg nih, klu dia tau, mati la aq! x membantu langsung!
so, Camerons BEST AR!!! xsabar utk Melaka nnt... i'm not sure whether 'G.O' joined or not.. hopefully he joins!! :D